Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good Morning Everyone!

Hello and Good Morning! I'm soooo excited that school is almost out.... I can't wait to go back to sleeping in with my boys.... I mean I'm soooo excited that apparently I decided to start early because I was sleeping in this morning and when I did wake up I was jumpin out of bed like a crazy lady... Reminded me of when I was in school and well that was a longggg time ago! LOL :) Anyway this week I will be making more cards but in the mean time I will show you cards that I've made this past month.... these first 2 I made for my youngest son who turned 7yrs. old the first part of May... Enjoy! :) Theresa

This Dino is soooo super cute! And I had paper to match - big time score! LOL Anyway it is an A2 size card and I used my wonderful Stampin' Up supplies and the Dino is cut at 3 1/2" or at least I believe thats what it is cut at..I'm not good at writing this stuff down sooo I'm hoping having this blog will help with that while its still fresh on my mind. :) I did use all the layers for the dino and I inked all the edges to give it some depth! And I tell ya adding the googlie eyes just gave it it's cuteness (is that even a word?) I used Dimensionals to pop Mr. Dino up and added the Birthday stamp from Stampin' Up with  Stampin' Up Punches... He thought these cards were great and I really enjoyed making them...:) I do have a few other childrens cards that I've made, so I'll post them a little later on today! Thanks for taking a peek! :)

Ok...this card was made using the Create A Critter Cartridge and my Design Studio... It is such a cute Octopus that I had to make it for him! I made him an A2 size card so he is 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 and then I just added pages in my project to make the hat fit and the rest of him...:) If I learn how to share cut files...I will share it with you all...but for now..I have nooo clue.... :)


  1. Super job...I love the blog and I also love how you have all those blog candies for everyone to see.. I love the dino card and the octo....oh heck I love all of your creations and that is why I am a follower now...you can come by my blog too and check it out or maybe even follow. TFS

  2. These are just adorable! Love how you did the octopus as a shape card. I'm not real good with my design studio nor my gypsy. Got the gypsy a-z dvd to help. Someone needs to do a video for design studio! Will check back again to see what else you put on! :)

  3. What is a size A2 card? What does that mean. Thanks :)



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