Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Motorcycle Birthday!

Happy Tuesday Everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day so far! I'm making out my monthly grocery list right now... UGH! I live in a really small town and the nearest Wally world is about an hour away, sooo I make out a Monthly food calendar and plan all my meals out, then make the shopping list... It is a task in itself but the result on my monthly grocery bill is awesome! Some people think I'm crazy for shopping that way. But it saves on gas and knowing what my family is eating daily instead of wondering what to fix each night works for me.... Doing this trip once a month I only fill up my gas tank once and it lasts me ALL month long... and I have an SUV.. :) I guess that's enough chit chat for now.... On with the card info! I seen a simple sketch in my Paper Crafts Mag. and thought this card would work well with it.... Of course I changed a couple simple things to make it more me... :)

(Reminder: Click on photo to enlarge)
Cardstock, Designer Paper, Stamps, and Ink are all Stampin' Up Supplies
Cartridge: George & Basic Shapes (OVAL) cut @ 2 3/4, 2 5/8
Thanks for taking a peek, let me know what ya think! Have a Wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Shop just once a month?! Might have worked when the kid-os were at home but for just me and DH, don't think so. We change our minds to much!! LOL Our DD does it that way, but then she has 4 of our Chickadees to feed. I love this card. The layout of it is great. I was just thinking last night that I need to drag out some of my old mags. and go through them. Have a great shopping trip! :)


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