Friday, October 15, 2010


Hello and Happy Friday all!
Yes I'm back and still busy... Geez....
I did get my new window in yesterday!
So YEAAA for me! LOL I can certainly
tell the difference from the old window
and the new one..... This one is wayyy better
than that 60yr. old window! :o) It was
actually warm in my room and boy did
that put a BIG smile on my face! Now hubby
won't hear me complaining about how
COLD it is in there..... :o)
My sister Miislucky is still not feeling well....
So she asked me to post something for today....
She does have something done that she
decorated.... So I told her to just throw the
pictures up and I will post it for her on
Saturday.... So let's hope I get those pictures!
Anyway here is another quickie card...
My head is spinning with ideas but haven't
had time to do them... I'm still pulling for
this weekend and hopefully I can get them
posted by Monday! :o) Anyway on with the card!
 (Click on Photo to Enlarge)
Card Stock - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - Echo Park
Drippy Goo Punch - Martha Stewart
(Scary) was cut @ 1 1/4"
(Large Bat) is cut @ 1" (2x's)
(Small Bats) were done in my Design Studio
they were cut @ 2.582x.98
I don't remember which cartridge I got
them from... SOOOO SORRY!
(Click on Photo to Enlarge)
Here is the side view showing
the extra layers popping up...
Well that's it for me today
I hope you all have a GREAT DAY!


  1. Awesome!! I just loooove that pattern paper you cut the bats from. What an awesome idea!! Hope Miislucky gets to feeling better. I've missed seeing her creations! Glad your crafty room is now toasty warm!! :)

  2. Congrats on the window and the really cute card. Have a great weekend and hope your sister gets better soon.


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