Friday, October 22, 2010

First time using Vinyl.....

Hello and Happy Friday Everyone!
Miislucky told me to post today....
But she should be posting something
for ya tomorrow... she's ssslllooowwwwly
recovering... So you're stuck with me today!
Last nights card swap was fun and I'm so
glad we started it back up! We have 16 ladies
in our swap and I knew a couple of them, but
met some nice new people... And I was RIGHT!!!
NONE of them knew how to make a JOY FOLD CARD!
Well except for my Mom... But that's cuz I already
told her about it a long time ago! tehehehe
They were happy to make it and they all liked my card...
That was nice! Soooo next month we'll be making
Christmas Cards... Can you imagine... I will have 16 different
Christmas Cards and I only had to make 1 of the designs (16x's)...
Now I like that type of swap! :o) Maybe next month
I will post the cards that I got so you all can
see how crafty these ladies are.... I'll let ya know! :o)
Any way.... One of the things I tried to do last weekend
was try and cut vinyl... Key word (TRY) LOL
Soooo, I'm not proud of what I made.... But I made it
and so I'm gonna show it to you.... Please don't laugh...
Well... It's Ok to laugh cuz I know I did! LOL

I used Fake Pumpkins... I got them at Michael's
when I went down to Grand Junction, CO. a month ago...
And my plan was to decorate them with Vinyl...
I purchased some Black Shimmer Vinyl
that I thought would look COOL on the pumpkins...
But come to find out it was harder than I thought...
I actually cut out a Mummy from "Pumpkin Carving"
But I had a heck of a time trying to put it on the pumpkin...
Then I got frustrated and then I said
the heck with this.... LOL
So I used a different Cartridge.... Now, I Can't
remember which one it was ... and just made faces
for my SAD Pumpkins! :o)

 I believe this one is the Frankin' Stein one....
It kind a looks like me when I had trouble putting
on the vinyl! Teheheheheh :o)

Ok..... and this one just didn't really fit
the shape of this particular pumpkin....
Sooo after trying a few things I added a nose... LOL
The nose is from Frankin' Stein....
Any who.... That was another project I tried to complete
last weekend... and I need to work on my VINYL SKILLS!
It was my first try and I promise I will work
on more Vinyl and strive to get better at it! :o)
Soooo glad it's the weekend.... :o) I'll be back
next week to show you some things I've made...
Enjoy the weekend and look for Miislucky's post
tomorrow!  HAVE A GREAT DAY! :o)


  1. Theresa, I think they're cute. I've never used vinyl before either. Only for etching glass.That worked out prtty well, but placing vinyl cuts intimidates me. But I like your pumpkins. Glad your sister is better, but it's never a hardship to read your posts. I like your sense of humor. Have a great weekend.

  2. I like them!!! I think they're cute!!! Good Job!!! ;o)

  3. I think your pumpkins turned out awesome!!!! Great idea to get fake pumpkins. That way you can make them look different every year. Also, you could decorate them up for Thanksgiving. Sounds like ya'll had a great time at the card swap. Would love to see what the other ladies create. :)


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