Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh.... Christmas Tree.... Oh....

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone!
I'm soooo glad we are coming to the end
of the week! My Seven year old can't wait
any longer for Halloween! It needs to hurry up!
I told him I would say that... even though I
can't do anything about it! LOL
He's dressing up as Darth Vader...
Even though he has NEVER EVER seen a Star Wars Movie...
?? I was like are you sure and he said YES! It looks cool MOM!
What do you say to something like that? I will tell ya this...
His costume is big enough, that I should get 2 years out of it!
We shall see what happens in a year, but I'm pretty sure if the costume
still fits he WILL Wear it again! :o)
Today I have a simple card....
Nothing super fancy or anything
just simple and easy to put together....
This should help those of you, who like to
make quick and easy Christmas cards! :o)

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

This card was made using the Christmas Cards Cartridge...
The MAIN reason I bought this cartridge was for this
Image... WHY??? I don't know... I was just drawn to it! :o)
Sooo as you can tell I just took pieces from the
Cartridge to make my card! I LOVE doing that! :o)
I Cut the Tree & Top Note @ 4 1/2"

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

Here is a side view to show that I Popped the Tree up...
Card Stock, Ribbon - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - Imaginisce
Gem Star - KI Memories

So as you can see this came together pretty quickly....
I used my Design Studio to hide all the features that
I did not want to cut out... :o) It's a perfect card
for Mass Producing when you just need to get your
Christmas Cards made! Well that's it for me this week...
Miislucky should be by tomorrow with something...
If not... well you know I'll be here then! LOL
I want to wish you all a HAPPY and SAFE HALLOWEEN!
For you and your Families!
I'll be back on Monday! November 1st!
With a Thanksgiving Card...
Enjoy the rest of your DAY!


  1. Sooooo pretty! Darth Vader huh? Didn't realize they were still putting out Star Wars stuff. Well guess since I don't have to buy costumes or anything like that I just don't look! Have a wonderful and safe Halloween and don't eat to much candy!! :)

  2. I like this card too. I bought this cart. for pretty much the same reasons you did, lol. I like the colors used.

  3. I love the papers you used. It is a cheerful card. I haven't used my cart yet, stuck on birthday cards. This one turned out really cute. Love it.


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