Monday, October 11, 2010

Tweet Tweet LOVE!!!

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone!
I hope your week is off to a great start!
Saturday my Hubby and I celebrated
our 18th Wedding Anniversary.... I sooo
wanted to go to The PC Circle Swarm
they were having here in Utah 
but knew it was not the right time
for me to attend... Sooo
We went out of town for the day and
had a wonderful dinner and went shopping
together.... I know some of you may relate
to an outing like that... :o) It was what we
like to do and enjoyed it.... Now let's hope the next
18yrs. will be just as good as the last 18!
Sooo Of course you all know I made him
an Anniversary card.... and since he has
seen it now I will post it for all of you
to see! I hope you like it! :o)

 (Click on Photo to Enlarge)

Card stock, Ink, Stamp, Ribbon, Punch (SU)
Designer Paper - Addison (K&Co)
Cartridges - Wedding (Stamp Scallop Border)
Cut @ 3" Shadow & Reg. Feature
Sweethearts - (Birds) Cut @ 3 1/2" using
all the features....
Bling - (Eyes) Kaiser Craft

(Click on Photo to Enlarge)

Here is a side view to show
the added dimensions on a couple
of the items... (Leaves, Wings, Nest, Hat, Heart)
This card is a 4 3/4" Square card...

(Click on Photo to Enlarge)

The Heart on the inside was cut @ 2"
using Designer's Calender... I used
the Shadow Feature and 2 hearts...
The word LOVE is a Rub On...
The inside saying is from my Hallmark
Program and the Blue Heart
is Clip Art I added to it...
Well that's my Anniversary card.... :o)
Thanks for letting me share it!
Have a great day and I'll be back
tomorrow with somethin'!


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! Love the card!!! Those love birds are just adorable. Sounds like ya'll had a great day. Dinner and shopping are a great way to spend the day. DH and I enjoy spending days together like that, too. See ya tomorrow! Have a great evening!! :)

  2. Happy Anniversary! So glad you had such a good time. Love the card. Much happiness for the next 18.

  3. Your card is just gorgeous! Thanks so much for entering it in our challenge!

    Most Sincerely,
    Bobby & Jill


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