Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Penguin....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone!
I hope you ALL had an awesome Holiday
weekend! I know I did! I want to send a
"Thank You" out to Miislucky for taking
over this past week while I tended to
my family activities! I had a YUMMY
Thanksgiving meal which I cooked myself!
And wonderful Pies.... Which I cooked
myself! And a Yummy Turkey Soup with all
the leftovers which I made myself! See the pattern
here! LOL My kids did help when asked but it was
mostly done by me... Which I kind of like anyway....
I'm one of those people who prefer to do it herself and
keep others AWAY from my Kitchen! It must be from my
Over Organized ways I guess.... But it was great having the
In-Laws here and I did some shopping online and even went
all the way down to our Walmart to get me another CRICUT!!!
I'll show the picture in a second.... But I wasn't planning on going
all the way down to the Walmart..... I decided to just order it
online... but hubby said oh... let's just go! Sooo we did.... it was
like -5 degrees outside.... FLIPPING COLD! Got to the Wally World
and MAN was it busy! We got there at 11:30pm and I just went in and got
what I wanted and went to the register and waited til 12:01AM ...
The lovely Cashier rang me up and out the door I went!
Talk about FAST Shopping!
Yup...That was the only thing I needed from Wally World...
They had nothing my kids wanted so I spent the rest of
the weekend shopping online and putting up ALL my
Christmas decor... Now I just need to focus on making
my Christmas cards! YES.... I have NOT made them yet!
But I will be spending some time getting them done.... Anyway
let me show you my pretty new toys and a card!

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

I got the Plum one... I've read that people think
it looks more like Magenta.... But I don't think it does....
It looks PLUM... It's not a dark purple... and the sides look
like a light lilac color... to me anyway.... :o)

 (Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

I was trying to get a picture showing you
that it lights up in a pretty purple color...
Sorry about how it turned out... but the color is
LOVELY!!! :o)

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

 And here are the 2 Cartridges that come with this machine!
Right now they are exclusive to these Walmart colored
Expressions only.. But I'm sure they will be available
in stores.... that's how Provo Craft is... If there is 
demand for them, then it will be available later down the road... :o)

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

  You didn't think I would go to Walmart and not
get me some $20 Cartridges... Did you? LOL
These 3 were the only ones I liked from the
latest Hello Thursday list! I was just happy to get them!

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

And YES... This is an Easel Card! I did tell ya I had
2 more to show you didn't I? Well here is one of them....

Card Stock, Ink, Stamp - Stampin' Up
White Glitter Card Stock - DCWV
Designer Paper - Echo Park
Cartridge - Winter Frolic (Penguin) Cut @ 4 1/2"
(Tag) Cut @ 2" I deleted the hole using Design Studio
Christmas Cards - (Snowflakes) Cut @ 4 1/2"
(2x's Each)

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

  Here is a sorta kinda side view! LOL
Just so you can see the Popped up
items... like the Beak, Feet, Snowflakes....
Well... That's all I got for today!
I'll be back tomorrow with something.... :o)
Enjoy your CYBER MONDAY!!!
Have an AWESOME Day!


  1. Congrats on your new bug! I tried talking hubs into one....

  2. You are just to funny!! I didn't cook a thing! We went to Mom's yesterday for Thanksgiving. Thursday DH and I had a wonderful little fish sandwich for our Thanksgiving Day meal! LOL DD and I braved our Walmart. They only had 6 E's and like 16 cartridges. I managed to get 3, but wasn't able to get Jolly Holidays. DD ordered it online for me. Don't know if I'll ever do that again!!! Have a wonderful week and enjoy that super purple(plum) E!!!!! :)

  3. You know, I totally forgot to tell you that I really like your Penguin card!!! :)

  4. I love your card. I think I'm crazy about penguins and easel cards are a favorite of mine, too. How lucky that you got that beautiful new "E". I would have loved one but I just couldn't buy one when there is nothing wrong with this one. If I didn't use restraint I would probably have one in every Glad you had such a great holiday.

  5. I got the new plum one too! I love the shimmery lilac sides sooo much. Cute penguin card too!


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