Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Another Fun Gift Project for the Holidays....

Hello and Happy Tuesday everyone!
I've been a busy little bee and I will keep busy ALL
WEEK LONG! I LOVE the Holidays but man...
I could use a vacation! LOL I also want to remind everyone
that today is the last day to sign up for our HUGE GIVEAWAY!!
We will be announcing the winner Tomorrow!!! Today is another
Fun Gift Project for the Holidays... I really enjoyed doing this one...

(Click on Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

YUP! I made Glass Glitter Ornaments...
But I used Etching with mine!!! :o)
I wanted to make pretty ornaments... but
I also wanted to personalize them.... Sooo I
decided to try out my vinyl and Glass Etching cream....
My idea was to make these for the Teachers,
Neighbors, Post Office Gals, Etc...

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

Sooo... I started with the Vinyl.... I put my moms name
on one... this was NOOOO easy task! Trying to
place someones name on a glass ornament took
some work and a few words I don't like to use often! :o)

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

Got myself a paint brush and opened up the glass etching
cream for the first time.... I KNOW...
Don't know... this really is an easy process....
Let my cream set for about 10 - 15 minutes....

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

And presto.... chango... I got myself
a pretty etched glass ornament...
that is my youngest son helping me out!
He couldn't wait to see his name on
the glass ornament....

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

Soooo.... then I proceeded to pour some
Pledge floor cleaner into my ornament and swirl
it around and threw in the glitter and let my
7yr. old shake it.... And there we have it!
A BEAUTIFUL Glass Ornament that
is now personalized and PRETTY!!! :o)
This one is mine.... Isn't the blue lovely??? :o)

Now I had plans to make a bunch for the teachers,
Neighbors, and such... but upon doing 6 of them
for my family... I realized that the etching wasn't as clear
as I would have liked... I mean you can see it in
the photo, but because it is angled.... Sooooo
I had another plan.... I'm always thinking... I tell ya!
Soooo come back tomorrow and I'll show you
what PRETTY things I made for all the
wonderful people in my life!
Thanks for looking... Have an


  1. I love the look of these. I also tried the etching and it just doesn't seem to show up well. I read online about using Rub 'n Buff on the etched part to bring it out. I bought some, but I guess I need to practice my technique a little. I ended up with only 2 etched, just did the glitter on the rest, cut out vinyl for the names/initials instead and topped with ribbon. Good luck on the rest of your projects! Merry Christmas!

  2. Beautiful Theresa! I do love that blue one!!! I've tried etching one time and it wasn't pretty, so haven't tried it again. I will one of these days when I have plenty of time! When that will be is anyones guess!! LOL :)

  3. They are beautiful. I can't wait to see tomorrow's post!

  4. I've been making these this week too...they really are fun and so pretty. dreama

  5. These are incredible! I made some of these the other day and mine didn't turn out very well. I should have used etching cream. I used a product called frost it. It's doesn't work nearly as well. Thanks for sharing!

    Most Sincerely,
    Bobby & Jill


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