Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Thank You....

Hello and HAPPY Monday Everyone!
I Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
I Did... I did absolutely NOTHING all weekend
long! It was nice and I even got bored of doing
nothing.... Soooo Now I will get back to doing
something... :o) My 7yr. old and I will be baking some
cookies for Santa and He wants to make a Christmas
card sooo I told him we can make one together.... I also
got a request to make Wedding Cards sooo I'll be working
on those this week... Unlike most Children in the U.S.
My Children are still in school this week.... Apparently our
school board doesn't think our children need 2 weeks off
for Christmas... I really don't like that part of our
school system but what can I do? I've lived here 5 yrs.
and my kids got Christmas off for 2 weeks only once....
I LOVE having them home during the 2 week break but...
I guess they don't agree with that.... So they are in
school up until December 23rd... I know... Nice of them
to give my kids Christmas Eve off! LOL
Sorry about the rant.. but it bothers me... Any who
here is my Holiday Thank You Card! :o)

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge)

Now, first off this sketch is from Mojo Monday!
I believe it is Sketch #168 and I really liked
the layout and had to make 16 cards for my card swap...
Sooo this is what I came up with! :o)

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge)

Card Stock, Ink, Stamps, Ribbon (Stampin' Up)
Designer Paper - Bo Bunny
Cartridge - Winter Frolic Cut @ 3"
and I used the flip button on my machine...
I used stickles to make the ornaments shine and
I used Silver brads from my stash...

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge)

Here is another side view to show the added
Dimensionals that I used to Pop up
the Bird and the Flower on the
Thanks so much... Everyone at the
swap loved how they turned out...
Anyway that's it for me for today...
I'll be back with something
tomorrow... I hope??? :o)
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. Great Thank You card!!! I think that is really rotten that school doesn't get out until the 23rd!!! Our's here let out on Friday and I'm not sure when they go back. Sometime after the first. It's always been that way. I would love to see the card you and your son make!! :)

  2. Beautiful card! I love how the colors aren't traditional, but the theme is!

    Sorry about the kids. My DD is out both weeks and my DS is out two and a half. That's too much time I think, but what's a couple more days.


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