Thursday, December 9, 2010

We Have a WINNER!!!

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone!
Well... we are coming to the end of the week...
And I have ALL my Christmas Cards Done!!!
Yes ... I Said it! :o) I told ya I can work at
warp speed if I need to! They are all signed,
sealed and will be mailed today!!!! Sooo
today I'm gonna get some yummy
"Grandma's Secret Recipe" Fudge made!
And do Laundry and make 3 Birthday cards
for this month and get started on my 16 swap
cards that are due by next week.... And..... And...
Geez... I'm already exhausted and I haven't done
anything yet! LOL
I want to annouce our WINNER of the HUGE GIVEAWAY
we had.... First... I want to THANK everyone who signed up to follow us...
It is an honor and we are excited to have you join us.... and now for our WINNER...

Drum Roll Please............................................................

nanapuddin said.... I am now a happy follower!! Loved your card on
the Cricut circle MB! Awesome goodies too! thanks for the chance to
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! nanapuddin
Please send your address to
put "Huge Giveaway" in the subject line.....

You have 1 week to claim your prize!!!!

Thanks everyone who joined us... We are all ready planning another
giveaway soon!

Well that's it for me for today....
Yup noooo card or craft... SORRY!!! Spent a lot
of time making my Christmas cards... But I will be
back on Monday with something to show ya....
What? I don't know yet!!! LOL
Be on the look out for Miislucky....
I'm sure she has some wonderful things to show you!
Enjoy the rest of your week!
And have an AWESOME DAY!!!!


I can no longer accept comments from Anonymous users... Sorry - too much SPAM going on -