Monday, January 3, 2011

Cold, Snow, FUN!!!

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone!
I hope you are all off to a great week!
I wanted to post what we did with our boys
yesterday.... Noooo it's not craft related but
it will make for a great scrapbook Page!
My boys go back to school tomorrow and
we wanted to do one last thing with them
before they return to the usual study habits!

YES! Playing in the SNOW! :o)
We had 5 days of Rain before Christmas and
so our Christmas was not White this year!
But Just after Christmas... We got several
Days of just SNOW! I guess to make up for
what we hadn't gotten most of the month
of December! :o)

Soooo... Here are our 3 boys sledding and playing in
the snow... It was a whole 12 degrees outside...
BRRRRR.... I was freezing my butt off! LOL
I don't own Snow boots although I should...
Sooo I had to stand back and take pictures
while the boys played.... My hands were

Here are all my MEN! They are a
handsome group of Guys! LOL
Hubby is disabled... had a stroke at the age
of 36... So he can not get in the snow
and play... He has a bad Right leg
and Right arm... soooo Winter
time is really difficult for him to
get around... but he wanted to go and
watch the boys play and so we did!
This is them just after we got back... :o)

One last picture of the boys playing
in the snow.... I have more pictures but
I  don't want to overwhelm you with them!
I will have to scrapbook this and maybe then
you will be able to see all the pictures on
a 2 page Layout! One of these days! :o)
I will be back tomorrow with a card....
I'm using my Martha Stewart Cartridges
this week... Sooo most of my post will have that!
Thanks for stopping by and looking!
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!!


  1. WOW!!! So glad we don't have snow like that here!! My old bod couldn't handle it!! LOL We did have a White Christmas though. First one in
    like so many years I can't remember!! My pictures are no where as good as yours! And our snow was just enough to say we did get some!! Our end of the county got a good ground covering and the north end of the county got around 6 inches! Go figure!! :)

  2. Wow! This looks like our house! I can't stand the snow but today I will be going out with the kiddos to sled some after school. BRR!! Nice hot cocoa will do perfect once we are in inside! Thanks for sharing!


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