Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sweet Teddy....

Hello and Happy Tuesdays Everyone!
I hope your week is going great so far!
Today I get to make a long journey to
the Doctors with my hubby! I mentioned
on another post that he had a stroke at such
a young age (36) and is now disabled... I was
just a Stay at home mom... until this happen then
I became a caregiver as well.... And since we
live pretty much in the middle of no where....
Our Dr's. office is about 1 hour and 45 minute
drive from here! He goes to a specialist every 6 months
and His Dr. is located in Colorado.... Luckily we live near
the 4 corners so CO, AZ, NM, are just a hop, skip and a jump
from us! LOL Still it is a long drive there and then the long drive back....
It's like one of my monthly grocery shopping trips... it's an all day event!
Sooo while I'm away I hope you enjoy this cute baby girl card I made! :o)

(Click on the Image to Enlarge)

I thought this came out soooo cute!
I LOVE Bears... Infact I collect them!
I have bears all over my house... Well not all
over.... but almost all over and I've been collecting them
for many, many years! Sooo when I seen this
cute bear on the cartridge I just had to make something! :o)

Everything is Stampin' Up except for
the Peachy Keen Face Stamp... I used the Large
Critter faces, I also used stickles for the bow,
Signo white gel pen for the Faux Stitching, and
Bazzill adhesive gems for a little extra bling!
Thanks for stopping by... I really do appreciate it!


  1. Adorable!! Love the polka dot bg paper. Really makes the little bear pop out!! Hope everything goes well at the doctors!! :)

  2. Hope your hubby's Dr. visit goes well. That's a lot of driving in 1 day, rest well tonite. I love your card, that bear is so cute. I understand collections. for years I collected Kewpie dolls.


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