Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 Challenges 1 post....

Hello and Happy Wednesday everyone!
I spent yesterday trying to create some
cards to make for my Crop til you Drop
on Friday night.... Man... It seems slow going...
I told my hubby that I need to get some projects done so
I'll have something to do beside Chatting all night long!
Not that I mind that.... but getting some work
done is kind of the whole point... Right?
Maybe? Sorta Kinda? tehehehe
Any who... Today is the Cricut Cardz Challenge
We are to make a St. Patrick's Day Card
using any cartridges or colors, but NOOO Shamrock's!
Wow... What's St. Patrick's Day without a Shamrock?
Well.... Let me show ya! :o) 

Isn't it CUTE??? :o)

 Card Stock, Ink, Stamp - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - Imaginisce
Cartridge - Simply Charmed
(Leprechaun) Cut @ 3 1/4"
(Pot o' Gold) Cut @ 3"
Face Stamps - Peachy Keen Everyday 1", 1 3/8"
Stickles - Gold and Yellow
Embossing Powder - Hampton Art
Embossing Ink - Rangers

Yup... I did the inside too!

Cartridge - A Child's Year
(Hat) Cut @ 1 3/4"
I used my Design Studio to Hide the Shamrock
that is suppose to be cut with this Hat!
Border Punch - Martha Stewart

Here is a close up of the Pot... I cut the black pot out
twice to add Dimension to it.... All in All I really like how this
card turned out! Now it's your turn! Go ahead and make something
for this fun challenge and I'll try and stop by to say Hi!
Don't forget to stop by the other Designers blogs....
They all did a fabulous job on this weeks Challenge!
they have a challenge to make a project and incorporate some
type of EMBOSSING in it! And since I did emboss
the cute face on the Pot.... I'm entering this in those challenges as well!
How fun is that! I got 3 challenges in one! Yeah for me!
Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. I just love this both inside and out!!! Adorable!!!

    Vee (CCC DT2)

  2. LOVE this card. Very bright and cheery! I always forget to do the insides of my card. Thanks for inspiring me. :)

    Connie DT2

  3. This card ROCKS! Loved seeing how everyone used this little leprechaun. You inspire me to scrap the inside of cards too ;) Thanks for the sweet comments you left on my blog.

  4. Cute, cute, cute! I love your bright, happy colors and the rainbow is wonderful! Love the way the fun continues on the inside of your card!

  5. How super duper cute!!! I love it!! How wonderful the inside looks! Yeah for you!!! Awesome card! :)

  6. Great take on the challenge the bright, cheery colors and that happy Pot o' Gold!!!

  7. How cute! Love the face on the pot. Thanks for playing along with us at FCCB.

  8. Cute card--it's so fun! Thanks for joining Challenge Me Monday at FCCB :)

  9. What a great card! I love how you put a face on the caldron. Not to mention all the colors. Awesome job!! Love it!! Anita

  10. What a cheerful, fun card - love the colors and the faces on the leprachaun and caldron - great job!!


  11. This is so fun and cheerful! Thanks so much for playing along at FCCB!


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