Sunday, February 27, 2011

Awards..... Awards....

Hello and Happy Sunday Everyone!
I know you are all surprised to see me here today!
Well... So am I! hehehe I just wanted to send a
special THANK YOU out to a couple of people...
We have been given a New Award and an older
Award yet again.... Sooo I thought I would take
a few Minutes today to say Thanks to Gloria
She gave us the Stylish award....

 Which We've received a couple of different times... So
Thanks so Much Gloria!!!! On this award we are
to Thank the person/people who gave you the award
and link it back to their blog (Did that already)...
Share 8 things about yourself
and pass it on to eight people....
Inform the individuals about their award....
That's pretty much all there is to it... 
Here is the list of 8 people who I will
be giving this award too!

Every one of these ladies is super duper talented!
So please take a moment and stop by their blogs.

Since I've actually already listed 4 down below I will
only list 4 more... I hope that's ok with all of you!

1. I own 3 Expression Machines...
2. I own wayyyy to many Stampin' Up Supplies (LOL)
3. I have curtains throughout my house (hate blinds)
4. I like to color my hair (to cover up the grey) :o)

And the second award came from Tanya  
THANK YOU Tanya for giving me
A thing of Beauty Award!
This is a lovely award which you are to
Choose FIVE (5) worthy recipients and list them.
Next to their blog name, give ONE reason
why you think their blog is special.
What catches your eye about them? What do you love?
and, On your blog page, list 5 things about yourself....
Include at least one thing you enjoy about your craft...

Grace has one small request. It's not a rule, but she would very much
appreciate a link back to her blog attached to the award badge
when you display it on your site
(after choosing all five of your faves). Thanks so much!

She has kept the requirements few and simple so that 
people will not feel it is a chore to accept the award.
It is meant to be fun and encouraging! But since there are only
five recipients each time, select them thoughtfully and carefully

This was very hard to do... There are soooo
many amazing blogs out there.... but here
are the ones that I chose....

Gloria - Has an amazing knack for making pocket cards!

Jovan - makes fun and wonderful cards...

Norma - Is just super talented with all things Stampin' Up

Anita - Is sooo Amazling Talented and has such a
pretty blog

Terry - Makes the most amazing crafts!

Please take a moment and stop by these wonderful ladies blogs...
I promise you will be inspired by them! :o)

Now about me... Hummm... Well...
1. I am a Punchaholic
2. I enjoy taking long drives in my car
3. I listen to music while I craft
4. I'm addicted to DCWV paper
5. What I enjoy most about card making is being
able to share it with all of you...

Again... thank you for the Awards...
they are most appreciated and I hope that
we inspire you.... It's a joy to craft but mostly
it's a joy to inspire all of you as you do for me!
I'll be back tomorrow have an


  1. Congratulations on your award.


  2. Thanks for giving me a Stylish Blog Award!!

  3. Congrats on your awards Theresa! I love your blog and love to read your posts! And I am always thankful for the nice comments you leave on my blog. I always look forward to my visit here...makes me feel right at home!

  4. Hi Theresa

    Thanks so much for my award! :) It made my day! Have a great night!

  5. Congrats on your awards !!! Thank you very much for thinking of me and passing the The Thing About Beauty Award my very first one!!!!

  6. congratulations!! I love visiting your blog and thanks for the shout out.

  7. Thanks so much for the blog award sweet of you to think of me!

  8. Thank you so much Theresa for the Stylish Bogger award!! This is my first award and it sure made my day!!! BTW, I love all your wonderful creations, I always look forward to reading your blog posts for inspiration! :)


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