Friday, February 18, 2011

Snow Sledding Layout....

Hello and Happy Friday Everyone!
I bet you're all surprised to see me here!
Mi-Mi called me yesterday and asked
if I could post for her since she wasn't
up to par again.... Sooo here I am! :o)
I had my card swap last night and
everyone made such cute cards! I had
fun chatting away with my new found
crafting friends! I never thought I would
have sooo much fun hanging out and
crafting... It certainly beats me crafting
alone like I always do... I have my
crop til you drop next Friday and I found
out last night that people are requesting to
sit at my table with me and my friend....
I told you guys we had soooo much fun
laughing and carrying on that more people
would like to join us.... How fun is that?
Sooo... I'm super excited about it again and
I gotta get a bunch of stuff pre-done so
I can just put it all together while I'm there and
chat away like I'm doing right now! LOL :o)
Today I'm gonna show you the layout
I made at our last Crop night.... Remember I
told ya I didn't make it while I was there but
I got some free time last week and put it
together.... Sooo here is the Layout! :o)

Now this is the KIT we all did that night....
The Card stock is Bazzill and it's shiny...
Designer Paper is Bo Bunny (I Think)

Awhile back I showed you some pictures of my
kids going sledding just after the 1st of the year....
and when I seen the layout... I knew those
pictures would be perfect for this LO!

I was going to make them Black & white
but changed my mind... the colors seem to
match really well so I left them alone...
The photo's are 4 x4

Now the designer of this LO said to use
epoxy for the snowflakes and letters....
but.... I prefer Glitter.... So I used my
2 way glue pen then sprinkled
glitter on each letter.... I like it better! :o)

Same thing for the snowflakes... I think (1) was
suppose to be glitter and then epoxy.... But I decided
mine look better glittery... :o)

It's a very pretty LO and the creator (Jessica) did
a fabulous job on it and it was fun to put together!
The next one is a Valentine's/Love one...
It's sooo pretty... looking forward to putting that
one together! :o) Well that's all I got for ya
right now.... I may actually be back later today
with something I'm working on for a Challenge!
So... I'll see ya then! Thanks for looking! :o)
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. Oohhhh.. I just love snow and winter LO's. Very nice!! The glittery stuff looks great.

  2. This is a beautiful LO. Your pictures are perfect and I love the glittery snowflakes.

  3. Sorry Mi-Mi isn't feeling well. Hope you are better soon Mi-Mi!!
    Theresa, I just love your layout!! I think the snowflakes and letters are great all glittery like that! Love all the colors, too! This is just an awesome layout! :)


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