Monday, March 28, 2011

Ladybug Birthday!

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Mine was busy, busy trying to get all 66 cards
done before Sunday! And I DID IT! Yahoo
for me! :o) I had a blast at my crop til you drop
Friday night... I dropped at 6:30am Saturday Morning...
And I only dropped then because I didn't want to be the only
person there keeping the wonderful store owner up any longer! LOL
Unfortunately I didn't get my other card done... the one I told ya
about that I designed for the Cricut Cardz Challenge and had to
change it because it wouldn't have fit into the color challenge...
But I will have it posted this week for sure! I have it designed so
that part is over I just need to pick some paper and cut...
Sooo, I'm hoping today will be that day... I guess we shall see if
time permits... My youngest is home today sick AGAIN!  I kept
him home last Wednesday cause he was real sick.... it was like
some kind of Stomach flu bug???? Then I sent him to school
the next day cause he was fine and now he has a fever and
a runny nose and a terrible cough... I'm Like WHAT????
And I'm sure his teacher is thinking that too... But I won't
send a sick kid to school so home it is! :o)
I guess I'll show you today's card.... I'm sure you all
can't wait to see it! LOL Here ya go!

What a fun Spring time Card! :o) Here's the speck's!

Card stock - Stampin' Up, Bo Bunny Dots
Designer Paper - DCWV
Stamp, Ink, Punches - Stampin' Up
Signo White Gel Pen
Cartridges -  Create a Critter (Ladybug) Cut @ 3"
(Grass) Cut @ 1" (6 x's)
(Flowers & Colored Buds) Cut @ 1.29 x 4.67 (5 x's)
Wild Card Cartridge (Sun) Cut @ 4" (2 x's)

Here is a side view to show ya all the
dimension in the grass, sun, belly of the
cute little ladybug! :o)

I designed this in my Gypsy when I was away looking
at Colleges with my oldest son. I know your shocked yet again!
But I'm starting to appreciate this toy a little more everyday...
Just don't tell anyone! LOL I still use my design studio
because it's easier to see but this is certainly a handy
gadget for traveling with.... :o)

I'm also putting this in a couple of Challenges:
Birthday Sundaes - You are to make a Spring themed
Birthday card! You MUST have a Birthday greeting or 
sentiment on your card... That is their Main RULE!
My Sheri Crafts - Celebrate Spring
Fantabulous Cricut - Looks Like Spring
BugBites - Make a project with a Bug on it

 Well that's it for me for today...
I'll see ya tomorrow... Have an AWESOME Day!!!


  1. Love that ladybug! She is just the cutest with all her doodles and that sweet little face! Sorry to hear that your little guy is sick...hope he feels better soon. Hope the college thing went well...I remember all too well how emotional that can be! And good for you...using that Gypsy! Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to use it for more than just looking up cartridges!

  2. AWWW, very pretty and springy. Thanks for playing along with us this week at FCCB!

  3. Wow I love the colors on this card - such a happy card!!

    I'd like to invite you to visit my blog, I am having a challenge that calls for use of punches.


  4. This is awesome Theresa!!! Love the Spring colors and that sweet ladybug!! I'm proud of you using your Gypsy. Sorry your little guy is sick once again. Here's praying he is up and at it really soon!! :)

  5. This is so cute Theresa! I hope your son feels better soon. Take care!

  6. That's soooo cute! I love your ladybug. she has a cute personality. This is a truly Happy card. Made me smile. And thanks for the tip about the notebook. I'm always grabbing scratch paper and scribbling my notes. I MUST get a special notebook. Thanks You're right!

  7. Very cute and colorful. Nice job. Thanks for playing at FCCB.

  8. I love everything about this! The ladybug is especially cute! Thanks for playing along with us at FCCB!


  9. Excellent job on your Springy card!! I love it! The colors really make it POP! Happy Spring and thanks for joining us at FCCB!!


  10. Hi Theresa! What a strange daughter was sick with the same problem. First the stomach virus, then fever,runny nose and cough! Well anyway...cute card! Love the ladybug! Thanks for playing with Birthday Sundaes!

  11. Aww!!! that ladybug is the cutest!! Love the card:) I hope you son is feeling better:)TFS

  12. This is super cute!! Great job creating this scene with the Gypsy. Thanks for playing along with Birthday Sundaes!

  13. Your card is adorable! I love the ladybug! Thanks for playing along with us at Birthday Sundaes!

  14. How cute. I love the flowers. I have a bug challenge going on over at

    you should enter this card.

    Thanks for joining us this week at FCCB.

  15. What a cute card.I really like your ladybug and the colours are great.

  16. Love that little guy! Such a happy card! Thanks for sharing with us this week!

  17. Such a happy card. Thanks for getting Buggie with me at Bugbites.

  18. precious! Thanks for playing along this week at FCCB!

    Lisa N.


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