Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Scrap Card #2...

Hello and Happy Wednesday Everyone!
This week is passing us by so quickly!
My Hubby's birthday is next week and
I still haven't made him a card yet...
I guess that will be something I'm doing this weekend!
On another note...  I hope you guys don't mind 
me sharing these Cards I've made with some of my scraps...
I was really surprised to get so many cards
made with just a bunch of strips... I mean
my scrap pile is shrinking and I feel pretty
good that I didn't throw away my FAVORITE paper
at the same time... and that's a good thing... Right?

Card Stock, Ink, Ribbon - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - MME
Stickles - Sky blue
Cartridge - Sweethearts
(Gift) Cut @ 2"
George & Basic Shapes - (Circle)
cut @ 3" with Real Dial Size on
Lacy Labels - (Scallop Circle)
Cut @ 3 1/2" with Real Dial Size On

This one is a Birthday card... DUHHHH
I guess you guys knew that already! tehehehe
I was able to make (2) cards out of this
designer paper.... :o)
Thanks for stopping by, I'll be back
tomorrow with something! :o)


  1. Well, it could be an 'I'm giving you this present just for the fun of it card'!! I love it!! That bow is just awesome!! And I just love what you have done with your scrap strips!! Hope you had a great shopping day! :)

  2. This really came out special. Love your scrap work! haha

  3. These scrap cards are comin out really cute! I love how that present looks. I try to do that once in a while too, and end up making mini cards and then they sit in a basket on my desk least I use the scraps, right?


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