Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wolf Habitat....

Hello and Happy Thursday everyone...
I can't believe how this week is flying by...
I had taught my very first Cricut Class Tuesday night
and then last night I had to help my 7 yr. old
work on a School project.... And well
today is my Husbands Birthday!
Happy Birthday Shane!!! :o) 
Anyway.... Today I'll show ya what my
7 yr. old and I came up with....

 He was to make a Wolf Habitat
using whatever we had at home.... And I was like (HELLO)
I gotta machine that can cut anything.... Heck yes! :o)

Sooo, here are the specks...
Cartridges - Wild Life Lite (Wolves) Cut @ 5"
ZooBalloo (Mountains) Cut @ 4 3/4"
(Snow Caps) Cut @ 4 3/4" (2x's)
(Trees Reg. Key & Shift Key) Cut @ 3 3/4" (2x's)
(Grass Reg. Key & Shift Key) Cut @ 1 1/2" (8x's)
Create a Critter (Pond) Cut @ 2" (2x's)

My son chose all the colors and the background Card stock
to layer everything on... I was teaching him how to ink so
we both did some of that and I showed him how to add
dimensionals, so we both did some of that.... :o)
I thought it came out cute... He loves using my Cricut
so it ended up being a fun project we could do together!
Of course after we glued everything down... I thought we
needed a sun... He said naawwww Mom... So we left it alone!
I also decided to enter this into the (Challenge Me Monday) over at
You are to make anything with a tree on it
and since we cut trees out from the ZooBalloo Cartridge
I thought why not.... And my son is excited to see it entered into
a challenge! :o) Well thanks for stopping by and checking out the blog...
I love all your comments! And hopefully I'll be back
sometime this weekend with a few more completed Challenges!
Enjoy the rest of your week/weekend and I'll see ya soon!
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. What an awesome project!!!!! He should get an A+
    for sure!!! Happy Birthday to your DH!! :)

  2. Theresa, that came out so cute. I wish "cricut" had been around when my kids were in school. At least my grandkids will be able to benefit. A very happy birthday to your wonderful hubby.

  3. Very fun! I have 4 girls and 3 of them love to "cricut" with me. The 3rd is only 19 months, but I'm sure she will soon! Very nice project! Thanks for playing with us at FCCB! :)

  4. You are certainly a busy lady! Congrats on teaching your first class! I have no doubt that it went wonderfully. You and your son both deserve an A for this project and happy birthday to your hubby!

  5. Lucky boy to have a creative mom with a cricut! Thanks for playing along with us over at FCCB!

  6. This is so cute! What a great thing to do together.

  7. I absolutely LOVE this!!!! You guys did an amazing job with the wolf habitat project. I have said all along that my craft room will come in handy when my children are in school. TFS!

    Your trees turned out great. Thank you so much for joining us this week at FCCB!!!

  8. Such a nice project, the colors work beautifully here

  9. What a fun card! Your son did a great job picking out the colors. Thanks for playing along with us at FCCB

  10. Awesome. You and your son did a fantastic job together. :) Great job picking out the colors by your son.

  11. Awesome job on the project! Your son did a great job! Thanks for sharing with us at FCCB!

  12. What a great project! How fun that you and your son could work on this together. He did a fabulous job choosing the papers and colours.
    Thanks so much for playing along at FCCB!


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