Saturday, April 2, 2011

One More Award...

Hello Everyone! I just wanted to make this
really quick post... My sweet friend Stephanie
enough to send me this award....
She is one of the sweetest gals who always
stops by and leaves such wonderful comments
and she creates such wonderful projects! You
guys really need to go see what's she's made lately...
Any who... The rules are to send this to 3 special
artists... well... I'm not gonna do that (SORRY)
I'm just finding it harder and harder to choose
just 3 or 15 people... There are soooo many
talented people in the blog world... that I would feel
bad if I skipped over someone... and after lots of
searching.... a lot of people that I go see have this
award already.... Sooo I just wanted to THANK
Stephanie for thinking of me! And I really
do appreicate this award! :o)
Enjoy the rest of your day!!!

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