Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hi Everyone! I just wanted to type this up real quick
to let you all know that There is a Brand New Cricut Blog
starting in about 4 hours.... LOTS of giveaways I've
been told so I thought I would pass the info on to
all of you.... I have the Cricut Blog Blinkie on my side bar....
If you click it, it will take you over to the Brand New
Cricut Blog! You do not need to be a Circle Member for
this blog.... It is designed for Everyone in Mind! So make sure
you head over there and follow the New Cricut Blog!
And maybe win some prizes!!! :o)


  1. Ohhhh, thank you so much for this! I've just gone and checked it out! I haven't heard of this anywhere else!

  2. Hey thanks for the heads up on the cart, I'll go and check it out, and about the new Cricut blog, I'm getting a bit overwhelmed! I think they want us to be on Cricut 24/7, they know we're all addicts and they just keep overloading us, LOL! I wonder what the differance will be from the Circle blog?! Well have fun with your Blogaversary and Thanks again!
    ((Hugs)) Theresa

  3. I am very curious as to what will be posted on the new blog. I guess you can never have to much inspiration, right??


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