Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Graduation Day!

Hello and Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I'm having a busy week and getting ready
for my babies big day today! I'm soooo
PROUD of my SON and very excited for
him! I'm also very nervous as the mom to send
my baby out into the world! I know we've been
preparing for this day for 18 years but it still tugs
at my heart.... I'm hoping to be strong and not
cry.... but I don't know what emotions I will
have once that music starts playing! :o)
I didn't have time to make a card because
of family visiting and stuff but I want to post
a picture of my Handsome Graduate!


My Son the Graduate
by Cynthia Ice 
I have waited for this day, through twelve years of school.
From the first day you caught the bus on your first day of kindergarten,
as the tears streamed down my cheeks all the way to watching you walk
down the isle to receive your High School Diploma, these tears still
stream from my cheeks. So proud to see you wear that cap and gown,
but, sad to see you leave your home town. I know you must go and find
your pathway in life, I just hope it's without any strife.
You, my young man, have made me a very proud mother throughout
the years,there is nothing I would not do for you, so if by chance you
happen to stop by someday just to see your old room, I will meet you
at the door with my arms held open to embrace you and these tears
streaming down my cheeks, not because I am sad, but, because you
have grown into a wonderful man. Love forever, Mom

I Hope all of you have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. Oh Theresa...what a handsome son you have! I know you must be on a roller coaster of emotions right now...proud, happy, sad, anxious and constantly on the verge of tears! Congrats to your son...sit back and enjoy every minute of the ceremony!

  2. You must be so proud of him! As a mother of 2 graduates I know what an emotional time this is- so happy and proud of the accomplishment and so sad for another major milestone to be over. Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations to Matthew! I'm not a parent yet, so I don't know how it feels, but reading what you wrote gives me an idea of what my parents might have felt when I graduated!

  4. Congratulations to your son! He certainly is a handsome graduate and I can only imagine how very proud you must be.

  5. What a wonderful day this must be for you, just remember you have done a wonderful job to raise such a fine looking lad. Good luck to him and stay strong!

  6. So exciting for you!! He looks so handsome and grown-up... Hope it was a wonderful day for all of you.

  7. Congratulations to your son and don't worry about the tears...that's what mothers do. I STILL cry when my kids/grandkids leave and it's been quite awhile since they were little. lol

  8. Congratulations to your son, Matthew, Theresa!!! It's a big milestone with many more to come. Best wishes to the whole family!!!

  9. Theresa,hope you all had a wonderful day.Congratulations to Mathew.Wishing him all the best for the future.

  10. Ok, Theresa, I just successfully posted on Mimi's card so I'm trying yours again. I hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend. Don't be too sad.


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