Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!!

Hello and Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you are all
having a wonderful Father's day! It's really cloudy here
and looks like rain maybe be upon us very soon.... :o)
I have been without Internet the last 24 hours... I called
the company and they said someone will be out in the
next 24 hours... Well we've been home all day and nobody
showed up... Or at least that's what I thought... Until I called
them again today to say something and they said someone came
out yesterday? WHAT? He said yes they checked the lines and it was fine?
Hummm? ODD since I still have nooo Internet! So he and I went over a few
things and I realized what the problem was.... I just read an article about
changing your password to something hard and long like about 14 letters/
numbers/etc.... Sooo that's what I did... I changed a bunch of my passwords
that night and then the next day my Internet went out... so as we go to one
section I see my password is not correct and so I put the new password in and
BAMMMM I got Internet! Wished I would have known that before because
my kids were going crazy without it! We don't have TV so we watch things online
and so they were getting restless without it... Any whoooo.... I made this card
for a challenge over at the Cricut Circle blog.... We are to follow a sketch and make
a Father's day card.... Soooo here's mine for that challenge! :o)

Card stock , Ink, Stamp, Window Punch - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper is all from the Audrey Imagine Cartridge
Circle is Cut @ 3" from the Imagine Basic Shapes
Rectangle is cut from the George & Basic Shapes (4 3/4 x 3 1/2)
Vest is from the Billionaire Cartridge Cut @ 3"
 This was a very simple card... I really like the clean cuts
I made for it.... :o) Anyway... Thanks for stopping


  1. Awesome card!! Love the hidden tie!
    I get really upset if I don't have internet!! I call and tell them that Hubby doesn't like it when my internet is out!! LOLOLOLOL No TV huh?! I could live without TV, but I can't with Hubby without TV!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!! Oh I'm just cracking myself up today!! Okay, I'll hush now! :)
    Love your card!

  2. It may be simple but it works. It's a great card and I really like the patterns you chose. I hate when the internet is out too. Didn't you feel like you just couldn't do anythng?

  3. Oooohhh...I love that tie and vest, very "manly"! Great papers from Audrey also. You know sometimes this Internet stuff makes me want to throw the whole computer out the window. The sad part is that usually my problem is due to something I did or did not do...makes me crazy! Happy that your "issue" has been resolved!

  4. Great card Theresa! Happy your internet 'problem' is now fixed. I still have to reinstall everything on my laptop and hope it all modern technology...most of the time!!! Have a great evening!


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