Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quack..... Quack.....

Hello & Happy Tuesday! First Official Day of Summer!!
It's also the longest day of the year too! Boy oh Boy I better
get some crafting done if that is true! :o) I hope you guys
are off to a great week so far! Me... well I'm still under the
weather a little bit... but feeling better than 2 days ago for sure! :o)
I got my card swap cards done last night... I used "My Digital Studio"
Program again for those cards to give out on Thursday! But today
I'm gonna show you a card I made with my Imagine! I tell ya if you
don't have one you should really think about it.... I have a post were
I stated I bought it and then canceled my order when they first came out
because the ink cartridges bother me! This is a TRUE statement from ME!
I like the whole idea of that machine but hate the idea of a Tri-Color Ink
Cartridge! Everyone knows they waste ink! DUH! Except..... my hubby
bought me mine for my birthday and how could I say NOOOO to that????
So I was still very skeptical about the ink cartridges until I installed it and did
all the updates and started to play with that machine. And I was actually very
impressed by everything that I was able to print and cut! And trust me when I
say I've used a lot of ink! Really... A lot! For over a month it had said that I was low
on ink and I'm one who likes to use every last drop I can... And I did! I just changed
my ink cartridge the other night after it saying I was low on ink for 6 weeks.... :o)
Now mind you that I use this machine a lot.... you've seen just some of the things that
I've made with it... I always make 4 of every card I make and I've used
it several times for my card swap cards (16) that I have to make at a time...
 not to mention all the cards I make just to make.... So I feel that I've
gotten my moneys worth out of this machine so far and the inks...
I'm still not a fan of the Tri-Color Ink Cartridges... but I do like this
machine a lot... So if your of the fence about getting this
machine I totally understand why... cause I was were you are!
And if you just can't afford it... I totally get that too... But I will also
tell ya that Ebay has been selling them pretty cheap so if
it's the price, go to Ebay and check it out.... I know a crafter who
go hers for like $144... With Free Shipping! tell me that's not an
Awesome deal or what? And noooo Provo Craft is not making me
say this... (I Wish) tehehehe I just feel its a great product
and wanted to share my Happiness of this machine with you....
Ok.... On with my Imagine Card that I made to show you! :o)

This was soooo simple to make I tell ya!
Card Stock, Ribbon - Stampin' Up
Everything else - Nursery Tails Imagine Cartridge
The background with the Sun, stripe down the side is
from the bonus content and all I did was make the size 4 x 4
then Print & Cut! Then I took the Image on page 8 in the
booklet and just used the separate button to separate all
the different layers and picked out what I wanted.
Ducky - 1 1/2" (2x's)
Butterfly - 1" (2x's)
Pond - 3" (2x's)

Here you can see all the added dimension... I made 4 of these cards
as a 4 3/4" square card! Perfect for someone who is
not sure if their having a boy or girl!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment...
I enjoy reading everyone of them! Have an


  1. This is so cute! I love the little scene you created! TFS! :)Amy

  2. Awesome card, I havent gotten that imagine cart, but have been eyeing it. I may have to eye a bit harder now. lol

  3. Theresa, this is so cute. I love that cartridge. I ordered an Imagin when they were realeased but sent it back. Now a lot of the bugs are worked out and I want one. Just seeing your projects made me want it back. Of course now I can get a good deal and not pay $500.(hopefully)

  4. Sweet, sweet card! I love the yellow and blue combo, very happy colors together!

  5. Glad you're feeling a little better! The cards made with Imagine really give a totally different look than just the regular Cricut machines!

  6. Teresa you mentioned the tri-color ink how is that? I was thinking about ordering some from cricut.com great card btw

  7. This is so sweet, Theresa! The layering is fantastic!
    I do hope you continue to feel better and better!

  8. So glad you are feeling some better! Bless your heart. It seems to be a given that when we have a sick child, that Mom is gonna get it!! I so love this card!!!! Love the colors! So vibrant!! Oh, and your sales pitch should be picked up by Provo Craft, 'cus it's a great one!!! :)

  9. Hi Theresa,hope you feel better soon. Love your card. Everytime I come to your blog and see your amazing Imagine projects that are always so inspiring it makes me want to go out and get the machine. Prices are still ridiculously high in the Uk and the thought of replacing the ink(£65)too often hasn't encouraged me!! Pleased to hear it lasts a reasonably long time.

  10. very cute card! :-)


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