Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thanks a Melon.....

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone! The week is just about
over already.... Do you have plans for the 4th of July? Me?
No, Not really... We don't do much around here...  When we
lived in Vegas we would have a barbecue with friends and
blow off fireworks (The Legal Ones) :o) Because of
where we live now they share the holiday with the
town of Blanding.... They do a big Celebration for the
fourth and We do a Big Celebration for Pioneer Days
which is at the end of July... So there is always a
chance to see 2 firework shows... The other town
is actually hotter than here so we normally don't
go down there until night when they do their fireworks...
Then we just drive back home after that... So nothing
exciting going on around here! :o) I hope you guys
have better plans than me! LOL Today's project was
 made for a Challenge over at BBTB2! :o)


Card stock, Ink - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - Bo Bunny Dots & Sun Kissed
Signo white gel pen & Black Zig Pen
Gems - Imaginisce (I-Rock)
Cartridges - Simply Charmed (Watermelon) Cut @ 1 1/4"
George & Basic Shapes (Circle) Cut @ 4"
Crocs Rule Lite (Croc) Cut @ 3 1/2" (Flipped)
Just Because (Thanks a Melon) Cut @ 2 1/2"

I totally think this turned out so CUTE! But I'm
impartial since it is my card! LOL
I'm really lovin' the Crocs Rule Lite Cartridge...
So expect to see some more projects with it!
Now head on over to BBTB2 and join in the Challenge...
You are to make a project using the Watermelon from
Stretch your Imagination or another cartridge if you don't have that one!
Well I hope you guys like it and I hope you enjoy the rest
of your week! Have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. Hi Theresa,
    Love the card with the gator holding the melon LOL!! Just watching the fireworks on the 4th at a park and relaxing!!

  2. Hi Theresa,loving that croc!Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. Love that you used so many different cartridges for one card! I'm going to enjoy doing that with more ease as I finally purchased a Gypsy! My fiance has it at his house now, so I'll have it next week after our church retreat this weekend.

  4. Love,love,love this one!!!! It's adorable. You could use it for lots of occasions in the summer.

  5. I think it turned out totally cute, too!!! Love the pattern papers. The bling is great and love those goggle eyes!! I have to work all weekend so will be resting Monday. Not like we ever do anything anyways. The traffic is terrible trying to get to the lake to see the fireworks so we don't even try that!! The kiddo's always have other plans, so we just step outside and watch the neighbors fireworks. Always a few shooting some off around here. Works just fine for us!! Have an awesome weekend!!! :)

  6. This is so so cute, and I love that little darling crock in the mix. Thanks for joining us at our BBTB2 challenge.

  7. Super cute card Yes those $100 deals are awesome

  8. What a cute little gator! Love all the bling you added to this one, very cute touch. No great plans here either. I think I will spend most of the weekend INSIDE where it is nice and cool and just play around in my craft room...not much different from any other weekend, but that's fine by me! Enjoy your 4th!

  9. I think your card is awesome! I had never seen that croc before. I like him!

    Great job!
    Carson's Creations

  10. Oh, Theresa this is so cute! I love the gator, and you've been using him so creatively. I sure hope WalMart gets these new lites in soon. I really want this one and Yee Haw. Have a great weekend.

  11. Theresa, this is so stinkin' cute! Never in my life would I thought I want Crocs Rule but this card really does it for me! LOVE it! Thanks for joining us at BBTB2. xxD

  12. Fan... Flipping... Tastic! Love it!

  13. Ha! I love it!! I'm going to have to check out that Crocs Rule now. Thanks for playing with us at BBTB2.


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