Monday, July 11, 2011

My Very First Video!!!

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone! So here is my surprise!
I've downloaded my very first VIDEO! Can you believe it?
I was thinking about doing videos for awhile now and finally
decided to take the plunge! I was sooo nervous and I don't like
the sound of my voice on the video but it's my first one so I
guess that can be expected.... Right? LOL My son Juston likes
making videos so he was the one who video taped it. It's not the
best video but I hope you guys can try and make them too!
Anyway... without further ado here's my
very first video and I hope you like it! :o)

I want to THANK (pinkaboo6691) for showing me how to make these flowers!
Well that's my first video in a nutshell! Let me know what ya think!


  1. Yay! Well done and Congratulations on your first video Theresa. You did a great job. Love making these flowers(although I tend to cut on my cricut and fill the page!).
    Good producing Juston.
    My Imagine arrived last week and I haven't had much time to play,but have to say I'm struggling with making anything. Probably need to get my head in the game!!

  2. Very good tutorial. First I always wodnered what the dabber thing was for (duh( and your flowers are so fun!

  3. Theresa great job on the tutorial. Yayyyy!

  4. Great job on the tutorial Theresa! Thanks for the comments about the Vista and Explorer 9 issues. I thought it might be the case but nice to get a confirmation. someone suggested using firefox until I can get an new OS so I'm going to give that a try first. :)

  5. Great video! I look forward to more!

    Where did you get the little finger dauber from?!?!!? I've never seen one of those before. It's awesome!!!!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  6. And a star is born!!!!! Great job Theresa. I love your flowers. You and your son make a great team.

  7. sorry Theresa, but your voice sounds just like your voice. LOL
    Cute flowers, can't wait for more videos, you did a great job!

  8. Awesome video tutorial!!! You did a fantastic job Theresa! I'll be trying these flowers for sure!!! I've spent the day in my craft room. Well, except when I went into town to get Hubby some stuff so he can do his pickles. And I had to stop at Hobby Lobby. Only came home with paper and a huge flower pot shaped like a teacup and saucer. It was 80% off. Couldn't leave it there!! LOL Can't wait to see your next video!! Tell Juston that he did a great job!! :)

  9. WOW! You did a wonderful job on your video! I am so impressed, you even have your own camera man...awesome job! I am going to have to give this method a try, looks better than the way I have been doing it! Congrats on the video and I look forward to seeing many more!

  10. Great first video Theresa..look forward to more!!! I love making my own flowers, too...I use my punches, Cricut, Nesties and Sizzix dies with all kinds of papers and much fun!!

    BTW thanks for the good wishes (and prayers LOL) for my golfing ;)


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