Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Self Portrait"

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone! I can't believe the
week is almost over! Actually I'm thrilled it is because
tomorrow is my "Crop til you drop" monthly outing!
I really look forward to attending this ever month! I get
to hang out with my scrapping gal pals and we laugh
pretty much all night long! LOL I was going to show you
a card today.... but... decided to show you something
my son created! I told you on Monday that he made a
picture... So I thought I would just share it with you
instead of a card! I think all forms of art, are very important
to look at.... and well... his is definitely art in my opinion!

We had an art class and he was suppose to make
a "Self Portrait" of himself! But he insisted on
drawing a picture of him and I instead! I love that
he gave me blonde hair when I'm actually a brunette
with some blonde highlights in it! tehehehe Soooo CUTE!
He had to add his desk & computer and the new flooring...
Can you tell that it has blue in it! LOL My favorite color of course!
And he wanted to make a statement with his first A+ after he
took an assessment test on what he had learned in a certain subject!
He really visualized that day, in one picture! :o)

Well.... I guess I shall see all of you back here on
Monday Morning! My Sister Mi-Mi should be by
tomorrow! Thanks for all the awesome comments!
  I hope you guys/gals have an AWESOME rest of week/weekend!!


  1. So cute! And look how proud he is of that A+!

  2. You're right. That is art! He's proud of his grade but he's also proud of you. What a sweetie. Have fun at your crop, you deserve it.

  3. Aww. I love that he included the detail of the tile floor.

  4. What a fantastic picture!! He did a wonderful job!! All the details are great! A+ Awesome!!!!! Have a wonderful time at the crop and a great weekend!!! :)

  5. Please tell your son he did an outstanding job Theresa!!! I'd give him an A+ for his awesome artwork!!! Enjoy your crop and have a great weekend!!!

  6. I would say that he is his mother's son! Look at all those amazing little details like the floor, the desk with his computer, the way he drew your hand on his shoulder...wonder where he gets his eye for detail...hmmmm? Great portrait, looks like you need to go shopping for a frame!

  7. Great picture and fab eye for detail.Fantastic art.
    Jayne x

  8. What a delightful picture! Your son is a real budding artist! Thank you for sharing his picture!

  9. Adorable! When you get a chance, stop by my blog, I have a giveaway and

  10. How sweet that he included you in the picture! And what a lovely picture it is!
    I hope you had fun at your Crop til you Drop event. Sounds like a blast!


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