Thursday, September 22, 2011

Enter if you DARE!!!!

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone! I gotta tell
you guys "THANK YOU" from Hunter! He read all
the comments and was soooo excited to have his card
on my blog... I did tell him to think about making a
Halloween card after reading Stephanie's Comment... So
that may be next in our art class.... :o) I have his card up
on a shelf right now.... I still can't get over how good it
turned out... I guess I'm rubbing something off on the boy! LOL
I also want to send a Special Shout Out to my blogging Friend
SHARON!!! She guided me to finding a way to make my
my new button, so if any of you would like to take it....
It's the one off to the right side at the top...
I also have some exciting news to share.... I was recently
PUBLISHED in the Cricut Cards Magazine... It was the Summer
Magazine and I'm on page 19! Here's the Card they Published:

 YES.... that's mine! I was so thrilled they asked me....
I recently received a copy of this magazine and well
I already have a copy of it so I'm gonna give it away to one lucky
follower! Here's the Book I'm giving away:

 In order to win this wonderful Magazine.... All you have to
do is leave a comment and be a follower of ours...
 I have some other exciting news too....
They asked for another card to be published in the
Cricuts Holiday Magazine and Guess what????
They chose my CARD to be on the COVER!
I had noooo idea it was going to be on the cover.....
But I'm soooo thrilled and honored that they chose
my card for that! Here's the picture of the Magazine!

I still can't believe my card's on the cover... I don't have this copy yet
but when I do get it... I'll be giving it away too! The holiday
magazine is available now everywhere! :o)

If you've made it this far "THANK YOU"! I have a card
to show you today as well.... Here it is:

 I designed a bunch of cards last week and I'm just
barely starting to cut them out...
Card stock, Ink - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - DCWV Midnight Spell Stack
I used Bo Bunny Dots for all the cuts (BEST PAPER EVER!)
Cartridges - Pumpkin Carving (Witch, Skull, House) Cut @ 1 1/4"
I used a 1 1/4" circle punch for the background and I used Glossy
Accents to just add some dimension!
Happy Hauntings (Enter if you Dare) Cut @ 2 1/2"
I used my White Signo Gel Pen
Well that's it for me this week! I'll announce the winner
of the Cricut Magazine sometime next week!
Thanks for stopping by and have an AWESOME Week/Weekend!!!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! What an honor and special recognition of your amazing talent! I am so happy for you! Great cards! No wonder they were published!

  2. That is so exciting! Congratulations to you! I love that magazine...the card they chose is beautiful...can't wait to see your cover debut!

  3. OK you know how I feel about you being published. but just in case you forgot, YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! I will proudly display your button on my blog. If I should be the lucky one to win the mag, please sign it for me. I need to start a collection of your publications. I think there will be many. Todays card, fabulous as always. You chose great paper for thie cuts. Tell Hunter I'll be watching for his next "trophy" card.

  4. Congratulations on being published! What a well deserved honor!

  5. I found the Summer issue at Hobby Lobby, but they don't have the Holidays one there yet. I will be purchasing it as soon as it comes out. I'm just so excited for you!! Awesome!!!
    Now on to your card. Adorable!! Not sure if I dare to enter!!! Great card though! Have an awesome rest of the week and weekend!! :)
    And I'm blushing! :)))))

  6. Congrats on being in the magazine. It's a big honor! The card is wonderful. I've never read this magazine so I would love to win and see all the goodies in the magazine.

  7. Wow, congratulations! It's so exciting that your talent has been recognized in such a big way!

    Wendy T.

  8. Theresa congratulations on getting your card in the cricut magazine! I'm glad they finally realized how talented your are. :) Great card! Love your spooky saying and the scull and bones. Thanks for stopping by to comment on my Sleepy Fall card, that card took me two evenings to design and layout. I had so much fun with it.

  9. Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise that they picked your card to be on the cover!


  10. Oh my gosh, how exciting! Haha, I feel like I "know" a celebrity now :) Congratulations!

  11. how exciting for you. congratulations. thanks for the chance to win. i've been a follower for a long time. tfs.
    littlen44 at gmail dot com

  12. Congratulations, Theresa! How exciting to be published, and twice -- WOW! And on top of that, on the cover! You must be so excited! Thanks for the chance to win the magazine.
    tcsobotka at charter dot net

  13. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! That's the Cricut Couple Screaming with excitement for you!!! OMG! How cool is that?!? Your cards are amazing! It's no wonder why you are on the cover. So Cool! So, are you starting the shadow boxes yet? You keep going like this and you will have a whole room full of them! How exciting!!!

  14. Wow oh wow! What fabulous news ....congrats to you my friend! Not once, but twice and not only twice, but the cover!! How fabulous is that? I am just so happy for you! You are not only super talented, but your just always so kind and encouraging to others. I love that about you! Congrats again and I should I win, I want an autographed copy!!

  15. What amazing news!! So excited for you.. being published and then getting a cover!! Wheeeee...!!! You are so talented.. and so is your son.

  16. Wow! Congratulations on being chosen twice and how awesome it was for you to get the cover!

  17. Congratulations on your publications, that is sooo awesome!!
    Love your creations, so talented :)


  18. Congrats!!!, love your work, thank you for the chance to win

  19. Very Cool- thanks for the chance to win :)

    Your cards are exquisite!

    TFS the magazine!

    saetterman at aol dot com

  21. Congratulations!! I love all of your cards!!

    brz352 at yahoo dot com

  22. Congratulations x's 3! Being published, making the cover and of course, rubbing off on the boy. :D (aka cc's blue)

  23. that is so awsome. Congrats.
    Would love to win a magazine.

  24. Congratulations on being published and what an honor to make the cover shoot! That is so awesome, thanks for the giveaway, please autograph the page (if I win)! Thanks!

    scrappindhilly at gmail dot com

  25. Congratulations on being published! Both of your cards are beautiful! What an honor to have a project on the cover too! Wow!

    Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome magazine! I bought a copy of the Cricut magazine once and loved it!

    karenskapin at yahoo dot com

  26. Oh such a great card! You should be proud! Just find your site..thanks for the chance to win the mag!

    lorihall86 at hotmail dot com

  27. CONGRATUALTION'S for being published! I'm sure your beaming with delight as you should be! Your cards are awesome! I would love to win the magazine and Thank you for the chance!
    Brenda ~

    Shylow27 at aol dot com

  28. Congratulations! What an honor being picked to be a part of the magazine, but on the cover. You should be so proud of yourself! I am loving these magazines, so thanks for a chance to win one.

  29. Congrats! This is so wonderful for you!
    Colleen (gonescrappin' CC)

  30. What a wonderful thing for you to be published in both magazines. I can see why. Your work is great. Thanks for a chance to win a great prize.

  31. Wow! What an honour!! Not a surprise though as you are uber talented!!! Enjoy your wonderful successes!! Thanks also for being so generous in giving a mag away. I would LOVE to have this edition in my hot litle hands.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your projects on your blog and in the magazines!!!!!
    gaudet5 at rogers dot com

  32. Congratulations on being published and making the "Cover" of the Cricut Holiday edition!!! What an honor :) I'm sooo happy for you. I received my copy yesterday and it is beautiful....enjoy your fame :D

    PS- Now I have to find my Summer copy and look that one up too!! Looks like your on a roll here!!!!

  33. OMG!!! girl CONGRATULATIONS on being published and making the cover I'm super super HAPPY for you!! Beautiful projects:) LOVE them!!
    Big Hugs

  34. Congratulations Cover Girl!Theresa you are so talented and I am so pleased it's recognised for you.Love your spooky card.
    Jayne x

  35. Wow, now I know a celebrity!!! :) All kidding aside Theresa what an honor to be published. It doesn't surprise me in the least though as you are a very talented card maker!

  36. Congrats to my favorite Cover Girl!!! I'm just thrilled for you!!
    And I get to rub shoulders with a celeb....lucky me!


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