Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello Series continues.....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all
had a FABULOUS weekend! I know I sure did!
I told ya I was gonna go and surprise my son at
College this weekend... Well it was an interesting surprise...
I called him about an hour before we were suppose to arrive....
And he tells me I'm just doing homework today and I can't go
anywhere so I'll be here! I said well enjoy your day doing
homework here's my new cell info.... He says thanks and I hang up!
Soooo we get there.... and I'm looking forward to surprising him and
I knock on his door and.... NO ANSWER! Sooo I knock again....
NO ANSWER! UUGH! WHAT the HECK??? Soooo I have my
other son call him and ask where he is? and his reply is.... I'm
on my way to Richfield... WHAT? So I grab the phone and I
ask where are you right now? and he says he's about 30 minutes
away.... and I say well we are here at your place where you said you'll
be all day! And he was like WHAT? I also say... by the way we
brought you a CAR! HE says WHAT? and then I hang up!
I hung up because he acted like I inconvenienced him by coming....
Although he said he was not doing anything but homework all day...
SO, I was a little upset.... then I call him back and say are you turning around?
and he says... Can't you meet me here? I'm Like are you flipping CRAZY?
We just drove over 4 hours and I gotta go to the bathroom and your not even
here! And we are hungry! Soooo NOOO I'm not coming to you.... Why don't
you just drive back here? Soooo the person he's going on this trip with
is told "I owe you one man"... "Take me back"... Soooo he tells me how long it
would be and I said fine, we're going to go eat.... He calls me after a little
while and says he's home... I said GOOD Stay there! LOL After we eat....
we head on over to his place and he's all MAD... And says to me... If you
would have told me you were coming I would never have left... I say....
we show him the car and he's not as upset anymore and I show him
all the goodies I brought him.... I baked him Banana bread and Pan cookies
and made him some enchiladas and brought some groceries.... Then
we talked for a little while and I took him to wally world to get him some
other things that he needed... And so if turned out nice after all.... I did
enjoy the visit... BAD Start but a wonderful ending! :o) Soooo that's
how my trip turned out! Now here's one of the "HELLO SERIES" cards!

I used my Imagine for this lovely card!

Card stock, Ribbon - Stampin' Up
Everything else is from the Imagine More Cards Cartridge
(Hello Circle) Cut @ 3" (2x's)
Red Designer Paper Cut @ 5 1/4 x 4
Blue Designer Paper Cut @ 2 1/4 x 5 1/4
Light Green Designer Paper Cut @ 2 1/2 x 5 1/4" then
 I used a Martha Stewart Border Punch (loopy)

Here is an angle view to show the dimension of
the Hello Circle! Well that's it for me for today!
I'll be back tomorrow with the LAST CARD in
the "Hello Series"! Thanks for stopping by, I hope
you have an AWESOME DAY!!!



  1. All I can say to your story is...I sure am glad that I am not the only one that has stuff like that happen!! LOL!! This is so typical of my family!! I am so glad everything ended well!

    What a fun card! I love your "Hello" series!

  2. Ummm, I just have one thing to say about that story....
    "Can you adopt me?" LOL!
    I have one more year to go before I start writing identical posts. :D I shall be taking notes from you now..
    1) Be sure to have planned & coordinated spontaneity.
    Your card is WONDERFUL and I loved the giggles with my coffee this morning.
    Thank you also for your very sweet comment on my blog.
    Lisa xx

  3. Oh my! What a weekend ya'll had!!! Kids, you just never know with them!! Glad everything worked out in the end. Really liking this card. The colors are great and I love the ribbon/bow. Another beautiful 'Hello Series' card!!! :)

  4. LOL... love your story.... I can so relate. And they wonder why mothers turn grey!! I'm glad it turned into a happy ending.
    Beautiful card, I love the all colors used. Now that i have a working Imagine, can't wait to start playing.


  5. I'm glad it was all good in the end Theresa!
    Love your card,very pretty.Your 'Hello' series has been brilliant.Have you thought about a Christmas Imagine series? Not that I'm looking for help and inspiration with my Imagine!!!!!!Heehee.
    Jayne x

  6. LOL.....I am seriously laughing because I can so relate to this- 1 kid that just graduated and another still in college! Very nice Hello cards! :)Amy

  7. Isn't it funny how if you have kids, you have too many stories like this. Love the card. It's a really great design for lots of occasions. Your bow is perfect. Do you have a special way of tying?

  8. I'm glad your day turned out to be a good one after all. Your card is so pretty. Love the big bow. I wish I could make bows like that. :)

  9. OMG! Your story has me cracking up! My sister lives half way across the country from me. Once, when talking on the phone, she just sounded really down and was missing home. My parents live here. So... I paid for tickets to fly myself and my parents out for a visit. It was totally a surprise. We landed at the airport and I called her from the cell phone. I could hear all kinds of things going on in the background and I asked... "What ya doin'?" She said. I was just getting ready to call you... My boyfriend let me use some of his FF miles and I just landed... can you come pick me up? So... long story short... she flew back and we had a wonderful couple of days. Hee! Hee! Love the card! The bow is fantastic and I love how you coordinated all the papers!

  10. Your card is gorgeous and I love the ribbon!
    Hugs Gisela

  11. I'm with Lisa, can you adopt me too LOL!! I'm glad everything worked out at the end my friend! You are such a good MOM and you baked him banana bread one of my favorites YUMMY! He is lucky to have you are his mom:) Love the card with the bow on top and love the papers!! Very pretty Theresa! TFS your story:)


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