Monday, October 31, 2011


Hello and Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all
had a fun weekend! Mine was super busy and it will
continue to be that way for awhile! Last week I told ya
I had something to tell you... But I wanted to wait til
this week to announce it.... It was Good News & Bad News...
I guess I'll start with the BAD NEWS first! With a very, very
heavy heart I have to leave the blogging world for awhile.
Something very exciting has come up and I won't have any time
to blog or craft. I've acquired a Thrift Store! YES! I said a
Thrift Store. As of tomorrow I'm the new owner and I've
spent this last week working on it and trying to clean it up.
And this is a HUGE deal for me and I'm super excited about it!
 I just had to give up my First LOVE- CRAFTING! Not forever
of course.... Just until I can get the store more organized
and just the way I like it and then I should get some free
time to craft again! (I hope anyway)! Between Homeschooling
and this new venture I won't have any time to even blog hop!
I can't believe I just typed that! If I get any spare time at all
I will try and visit all my wonderful Blogging Buddies!
And Please don't be sad! This is a great thing that's
happening to me and my family and I know once I get
it all squared away it will be a great store!
So to those who e-mail me.... please keep e-mailing me...
I want to know how things are going and I'll tell ya
about my crazy adventures too! You guys know I LOVE
to TALK! :o) So e-mail me often! And I will try to make
time to say hi whenever I can! I told ya there was
Good News & Bad News! They kind of go hand N hand!
I do have a card for you today to! Soooo here is my Hybrid Card!

 I got the template from My Digital Studio (SU)
I basically printed out the pumpkins and the rest
is all traditional crafting! That's it! :o)
I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and I will
be back on Wednesday with my last design team
card for awhile... Sooo I hope to see you then!



  1. Oh, my goodness! What exciting news about the Thrift Store! I wish you well and hope your business thrives! Maybe you will find a couple of minutes occasionally to let us know how you are doing. God bless!
    Cute card!

  2. OMG Theresa,Congratulations! I am so thrilled for you.I know you will make it a thriving business.Best of luck with your new venture.Pleased you're still homeschooling Hunter as I know how much that means to you both.
    Really cute card.
    Big,big hugs
    Jayne x

  3. WOW...CONGRATS! That is so awesome to own a thrift store. You enjoy your new adventure! Great card!

  4. How exciting- congratulations on your new venture!!! Good luck and cute card to btw :)Amy

  5. Oh My Goodness!! Congratulations!! How exciting for you!! You are gonna be sooooo busy!! I know it will be a huge success. I'm gonna miss you on here in the worse way!!
    It won't seem right without you sense we started these blog adventures at the same time!! But I am so very happy for you!!
    Love your card! That roll of jack-o-lanterns are just way to cute!! :)

  6. Oh My Goodness!! Congratulations!! How exciting for you!! You are gonna be sooooo busy!! I know it will be a huge success. I'm gonna miss you on here in the worse way!!
    It won't seem right without you sense we started these blog adventures at the same time!! But I am so very happy for you!!
    Love your card! That roll of jack-o-lanterns are just way to cute!! :)

  7. Loving those cute little pumpkins all lined up in a row! Very cute! I'm really happy for you and your new adventure and I think I have a solution. If you are going to be at the store all day, you can maybe set up a craft table in a little corner and craft away in between customers! No really, I hope business is so super busy that you don't have time to sit! But, you do have to check in with us on here from time to time....seriously...think about the table in a corner....

  8. Love those little punkins! Congrats on the new store! YAY! We are gonna miss your designs for a while, but can't wait to see all the cool stuff and hear the updates! Don't forget about us! Hugs! Bobby & Jill

  9. A big congrats on your new store Theresa!!! Please let us all know the name and location so if we are in the area we can stop in and shop!!! Will miss you here in the blogging world (and all your fun projects)...hope you'll stop by when you have some time to keep us posted on how you are doing. Hugs, Terry :o)

  10. Well!!! I'm so going to miss you. But you're going to do great with the store. Maybe you could post some news and pics from time to time. I wish you the best. I'll email. Don't forget about us. (Love the card) lol

  11. Wow! Amazing news! Be sure to drop by and share some stories and pics of your new adventure. Adorable Halloween card.. those pumpkins are too cute.

  12. Beautiful card. Good luck with your new venture.

  13. Theresa!!! What exciting news! I'm thrilled for you and wish you the very best of success!

    Of all people, I certainly understand how difficult it is to juggle all the responsibilities and pleasures of life. We'll look forward to seeing your creations when you are able to make them and post about them.


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