Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thank You Series #2....

Hello and Happy Wednesday! We are in the middle of the
week already.... WOW! This month is sure flying by!
My oldest will be home tonight and Hunter can't wait!
My other son Juston is actually gonna cook dinner Friday
night for all of us! I'll let you know if I get poisoned or not! LOL
He works at a burger joint so I think I'm OK... But he's not
making any burgers! Sooo I'm not completely sure! tehehehe
I'm still hoping to get some crafting done this weekend but
we shall see on that too! With the older boy coming home to
visit and I have my card swap tomorrow and Hunter has a
Halloween Party on Saturday.... It may be a tight squeeze to
get some work done! I guess you'll know by Monday how
I did by what I post! LOL So here's today's "Thank You" Series Cards!

The only thing digital on this card is the Sentiment!
It was printed on white card stock, the Felt Flower
is glued on and I used an EK Success Flower Border
Punch and some pretty Pearls, the Striped paper
is SU Designer Series paper call Sweet Pea. This
card went together super quick! And it's mostly
all traditional supplies with an added twist of
 a  little digital sentiment! :o)

 I used a Designer Template for this card...
It was a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Card before I got my
hands on it! I changed the center circle from the Happy
Birthday sentiment to a flower, I cut out the green flower
with a flower punch then added a button with some twine...
I added the yellow ribbon and I put the "Thanks" on this card...
So it's traditional with some digital elements! Quick & Easy
yet again! What do you guys think of Digital? Are
you liking it at all? Just curious to know what your
thoughts are on Digital programs! :o) Well That's
it for me for today! I'll be back tomorrow with the
last 2 cards in this series! Have an AWESOME DAY!!



  1. Hi Theresa, OMG!! Theresa you are just too funny:) I can't wait to read what your son made the family on friday for diner:) Sorry I've been MIA I've been pretty busy. Love these cards very simple yet very elegant:) i hope you get some crafting sone this weekend!!

  2. Pretty CAS style cards! Perfect for thank you's :)Amy

  3. If we don't hear from you on Monday, guess we will know that the cooking wasn't up to par!!! Love these cards. I really like your digital cards, but I don't think I will ever do it. I thought about digi scrapbooking at one time. Even bought a program. Loaded it on my computer, played around with it. And that's it. Never printed anything out. It just didn't crank my tractor. But I'm loving what you are doing digital. :)

  4. I love them both. They are really different and beautiful in their own way. I always love your variety. That's a great font on the 2nd card.

  5. Pretty cards Theresa.Love the colours and the flower on the first.
    Jayne x


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