Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Birthday Wish....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone! Yes! I'm BACK!!! Well at least I'm back
to continue doing my favorite thing.... CRAFTING!!! I know I've taken
some time off to get my Thrift Store going, and it's going really well, so I thought I
would try my best to post a little more than I have....
I can't promise anything, other than I will do my best to post
at least twice a week.... If it's more than that, that's great.... :o) I do miss everyone....
so I thought I would try to re-work my schedule so I can still be apart of the blogging
world that I LOVE so much! :o) Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Geez... I get side tracked real easy! LOL
Here's a card I made over the holiday weekend!

Card stock, Ink, Oval, Scallop Punch - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - DCWV
Stamp - MPS (Birthday Crazy)
Cartridges - Thanksgiving (Card Feature) Cut @ 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
(Layer) 5 1/2 x 3 3/8
Birthday Bash (Gifts) Cut @ 3"

This is actually a re-make of a card I made for Thanksgiving
back in 2010... I LOVED how that card came out so I thought
I would re-create it with different paper and theme!
Thanks sooo much for all of your support with my store
and my crafting! You guys are the best blogging friends anyone
could ask for! Looking forward to crafting with all of you this year!
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!



  1. I love the your card. Looks very elegant.


  2. What beautiful colors and the details are fabulous! Great card!
    Happy New Year!

  3. Very pretty card. Can't wait to see what else you create in 2012.

    Happy New Year,
    Carson's Creations

  4. I'm so happy that you can't see me right at my computer, in my jammies, doing the happy dance because you're back! Lola, on the other hand, is a bit concerned about me at this! It's great to hear that things are going so well and you are able to find a bit of time to do something you love! Oh and I love this card, the shape is beautiful and the papers are gorgeous! Good to see you my sweet friend and Happy New Year to you!

  5. Very elegant! Love the shape and pretty papers. Glad your store is going well and you will be able to craft a little! Happy New Year! :)Amy

  6. Welcome back. Beautiful card you made. That's great that your store is going well for you. How fun!--Pat N.

  7. Hi Theresa,Happy New Year to you and your family.So pleased to see that you are going to be blogging again!
    Beautiful card as always my friend.
    Jayne x

  8. What a pretty card. I just love the shape.

  9. Woot Woot Woot!!!! I'm so happy you will be back to blogging and posting your awesome creations!!!!!
    I just love a great week of part Theresa and part Mi-Mi creations!!!
    And you have come back with a huge bang!!! This card is just beautiful! I love the colors and the presents and the sentiment and the shape and I just love it!!! Welcome back my dear friend!!! So glad your store is doing so well. You sure deserve it!! :)
    What a great way to start the new year!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  10. It's just perfect! Black Currant is my favorite paper stack! Love that stuff!!

  11. YAY!!! Glad the store is going so well that you can blog again. Miss your cards and your wit. Love being able to have both you and MiMi to look forward to. Love this card.

  12. Glad to see you are going to be back around a little more.. and that means all is going so well for you at the store! Very nice card, love all the nice curves.. very soothing.

  13. I'm so glad that things are going well with your thrift shop. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this card! The colour combination is fantastic! Everything just looks so sharp!


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