Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Praying for friends.....

Hello and Happy Wednesday Everyone!!! I hope you're
all having a great week so far.... Mine is... well so-so!
Remember when I said I had a few glitches last week about
getting 16 sets of cards done.... And I was only able to get 14 sets...
Well the "Glitch" is my IMAGINE! YES!!! I'm sooo sad
about it too! It was working all week for me... cuz I love using it....
and on Thursday morning I was creating something with CCR and
my Imagine.... then I ran out of time and had to go to work....
Sooo I turned everything off like I always do and when I got home that night
and tried to finish what I started... my machine DIED! OK... well
maybe NOT died... but did not want to work with me! LOL
It would NOT connect to my computer anymore! UGH!!!
Soooo..... I thought OK... I'll try another PC Cord that I have
for my machine and it didn't work either!!! Sooo I then thought
alrighty... I'll just use my Gypsy with it instead..... RIGHT???
It would not connect to it either!!! Now my Imagine still works
as long as I'm not connected to the computer or Gypsy...
Well.... that's not good at all!!!! Cuz I use those things with
my Imagine... they kind of go hand and hand! :o)
Sooo... of course I called PC and talked to a lovely young lady and
she tried to help but nothing worked sooo she handed me
over to their Tech Support... and the young guy "Jared"
was very nice but couldn't get it to work either....
Sooo he said he was gonna talk to some of his tech friends
and see if he's missing something... sooo he calls me back and we
try a few more things... and NOPE!!! It still doesn't want to
connect to either item!!! Ohhh the heart ache!!! :o)
Soooo this week I'm sending.... my.... my.... my....
OK maybe I'm being a little dramatic here but..... I really
do LOVE my machine and use it daily! I figure that's why
it doesn't want to work.. cuz I worked it to death that week! LOL
I live in the same state as PC soooo I'm hoping to get a
replacement very quickly... we shall see... I guess this means
I gotta use my 3 other machines instead! LOL WOW!!!
That sounds soooo funny! At least it's not the only cricut
I own! :o) OK.... I guess I'll share a card with you since
I shared all my silly drama! :o)

Last week I made a Birthday card using this same design
but in a different direction.... CLICK HERE to see that card...
I like this design sooo much that I thought I would try a
different theme, paper, direction... and I really like
the outcome of this card.....

Chocolate Chip, Cherry Cobbler, Very Vanilla Card stock - Stampin' Up
Pocket Silhouettes, Thoughts & Prayers Stamp sets - Stampin' Up
Chocolate Chip, Pink Pirouette Dye Ink - Stampin' Up
Cartridges - (Designer Paper) Heirloom Art Cartridge
(Banners) Art Philosophy cut @ 3/4" x 5"
(Shape) Elegant Edges cut @ 2 1/4"

I'll let you know if or when I get my replace machine....
Thanks soooo much for stopping by! I hope everyone



  1. This is lovely and bright Theresa , I love the sentiment and the idea of the ribbon background is super.
    Hugs Elaine

  2. I just don't understand why these things happen. I am dreading the day I go to use mine and it has an issue. What a pain in the neck. Although, it seems like you have good back up. Really pretty the papers you chose to work with...they look fabulous together. Good luck getting your machine back quickly!

  3. I am so sorry about your Imagine! I hope everything goes smoothly and you are back 'imagining' all over the place real soon! Love the card! What a fabulous way to use up ribbon scraps! Thanks for the idea!

  4. Very pretty card! Sorry to hear about your imagine troubles- I hope they get it fixed for you quickly!!! :)Amy

  5. Love this one, Theresa. That bright red looks great with the patterns on the banner cuts. This is really elegant.

  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous card! Those bold colors just pop and the sentiment is truly lovely. So sorry to hear about your worked the poor little guy to death! Maybe a few days of "rehab" with the Cricut folks will get him up and running again...I sure hope so!

  7. Oh No!!!! How awful!! I'm so sorry your Imagine is feeling well and has to be returned!!
    I really love your card. The banners are great and I so love the sentiment. :)

  8. This is SO pretty Theresa! I love it! I had a similar thing happen with my first imagine. Turns out, at that time, an update killed it. I haven't had any problems with the one they replace it with. So glad that I got an extended warrantee with it though. They were super fast at getting my replacement to me. I was very impressed with how they handled everything.

  9. Great card Theresa,love the papers and colours.
    Sorry to hear about your Imagine - seems to happen a lot from what I read through blogs. I don't think me and my I will ever be BFF!!
    Jayne x

  10. Poor you!! I do hope your replacement arrives quickly. I had to have my Expression replaced in the summer and I couldn't believe how quickly it got here - and I'm in another country!
    Your card is gorgeous!! I love the way you've done the strips of paper. What a fabulous look!

  11. This is a beautiful card in every way! I like the vertical orientation for the banners, too.


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