Monday, April 30, 2012

Mr Man.....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all had
a fabulous weekend! Mine was busy as usual... Had some free
time around 8:00pm Sunday night.... :o) I did have a great time with
my Friends on Friday night.... We had a yummy dinner and went to
go craft... the funny thing is... we didn't craft much! We talked, and talked,
and talked.... It was soooo much fun and I feel we got to know each other even
better because of it! They left about 3am then I stayed up a little longer (like 5am)
All in all I can see doing this again and again! :o)
Today I want to wish my oldest son Mathew a Very Happy Birthday!
He turns19 today! I'm going up North this weekend to
do some shopping for my new store and I've made plans with him
to grab some dinner to celebrate his birthday! A little late but at
least I'll get a chance to see him.... Cuz this may be the only chance
I get for a long while.... I'm looking forward to it! :0)
Sooo on with today's card!

I know Mother's Day is coming up.... but I couldn't resist this
card from the Cameo Downloads! I've ALWAYS wanted to make
a shirt card, and they always sounded like a lot of work!
Soooo this was wayyy easier to make...
This is a 99 cent download from the Silhouette store and comes
with Different ties and gives you the option to cut it with a tie or without....
I thought a plain simple tie would be fine... This is going to be my
FIL's Father's Day card!  I'll get a Mother's Day card done next....
I PROMISE!!! :o) All I did was size it to make it a 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 card...
removed the other ties and spread all the cuts out on the mat
then picked the colors I wanted cut out....
YESSS Just like the Cricut/Gypsy would do!
Inked around the edges and attached it to my card...
That's it! BAM!! A simple Father's day card! :o)

Card stock Base, Designer Paper, Ink - Stampin' Up
I used Bo Bunny double Dot for all the other cuts
Brad - My stash

Oh... I wanted to let you know something else about this wonderful
Silhouette Cameo Machine.... If you upgrade to the Designer Edition
Software... You can.... You can... Ummm..... DO RHINESTONE DESIGNS!!!!!
Oh YEA BABY!!!! It will let you create your own rhinestone designs or
you can get their huge collection of rhinestone designs.... That I-ROCK
will be working over time!!!! :o) Any whooo.... just thought I would let
you know about it.... I'm gonna try and show you one, one of these days.....
In the meantime..... Have an AWESOME DAY!!!!



  1. Happy Birthday Mathew!
    Love your shirt and tie card Theresa.The DP is perfect for it.So pleased you are enjoying the cameo.
    Jayne x

  2. What a fun the 'tie tack'!!! Sounds like you are luv'n your new Cameo Theresa!

    Happy Birthday to Mathew!!! :o)

  3. Hello my friend:) It's been a while but I've checked all your projects and i can't wait to see your finished AWESOME craft room:) Happy Birthday to Mathew!!
    Very cool card for your FIL.

  4. Happy Birthday Mathew!! I know ya'll will have an awesome time this weekend!! I love your shirt card. The tie and pocket are great. Love the striped paper. :)

  5. Mr. Man....I love it! Happy Birthday to your Matthew and enjoy your time with him! I'm missing my Matthew right about now-the older they get, the harder it seems to find time to spend together. So, enjoy it! I love your Silhouette card...super cute! That striped paper is just perfect for a man's shirt!

  6. Happy Birthday to your son. Hope ya'll have a wonderful time together. Love the card. Looks like you are really enjoying your new toy.

  7. Great card Theresa Simple but stunning well done Hugs Elaine


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