Monday, May 21, 2012

Digital Shadowing....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone! I Hope you all had a
Fabulous weekend! I sort a kind of did! LOL I was working
my tail off trying to get those cards done for my MIL! I'm
still working on them.... I have about 7 more to do... I had to
make 24 cards sooo you can imagine how much time it's taking
to get them done.... I'm also trying to get my Design Team cards done in
advance so I won't have to worry about them during the month
of June.... I got only 1 of those done... ugh!

My hubby already started building my new counter for the store....
And I'm super busy at the store with the sale... Everyone is shopping!
Yeaaa!!! It's been great but there is still tons of tops to sell! :o)
I'm also working on getting someone else to work at the store...
A couple of friends of mine told me about this women who
has several children and can't afford much... So I'm gonna
ask her if she would like to come work for me in exchange for
clothes and things for her family.... It would help us both out!
I'm hoping she'll say YES! So I won't be running back and forth
from one store to the next while getting it all set up....
Keep your fingers crossed for me that she agrees! :o)

Well, Let's see what I can show you today! :o)

I made this card last month for our Monthly card Swap!
I used "My Digital Studio" to create this.... I watched a video on
how to make a digital Shadow.... Sooo I had to try it! :o)
Everything is from Stampin' Up.... I don't know if you can tell by
the picture.... but the shadow is around the digital flower stamp.....
I then added a border, printed & cut it out.... I also printed
& cut the second layer (Book print).... The Stripes & Floral
Background are Designer Papers.... So there is noooo
cricut on here! LOL It's just a simple Hybrid Card!
It looks really pretty close up & in person! :o)
Any way.... I gotta go get some more cards done!
Thanks sooo much for stopping by!
I hope everyone has an AWESOME DAY!!!



  1. Hi Theresa:) WOW! this card is beautiful and Yippee...for the digital!! Have you heard that MDS 2 is coming out?? I can't wait an super excited for it. It's great to hear that your store is coming along and SELLING!!! Have a fantastic week!!

  2. there no end to the tricks up your sleeve? What a gorgeous card! I love the image you were able to create and look at all those beautiful layers...I say again...gorgeous! Hope this works out for you...sounds like a great plan. Getting a bit of relief for yourself and helping someone in need - a win/win situation! Have a good week sweet lady!

  3. Beautiful card Theresa,love how you embrace technology!
    Fingers crossed for you.
    Jayne x

  4. This is STUNNING Theresa! I love the colors you chose and all the layers are just wonderful!!!

  5. WOWZERS Theresa!!!!! This is most awesome!!! I love the flower stamp and that shadow is stunning! The bg papers are amazing! Love it! :)
    Fingers are crossed!!

  6. This is really beautiful!!!
    The digital shadow is awesome!

  7. Theresa, this is gorgeous.Love the patterns and your shadow is wonderful. It looks like a real shadow. Beautiful.

  8. Gorgeous card Theresa!!
    Sherrie K

  9. I love the soft, gentle look of your card, Theresa!
    Best of luck with your shop! Your idea does sounds like a win-win solution!


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