Monday, July 30, 2012

Congrats on the new Arrival.....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone! Guess what I did over
the weekend? I got to CRAFT!!! Yeaaa ME!!! Of course I
had to clean my house first and do laundry.... then defrost
one of the fridges.... but after that... I was good to go! :o)
I made 4 cards on Saturday and 3 cards on Sunday... Can
you believe it? I was sooo happy to be in my craft room
just messing with my machines.... I made some cards with
my Cricut & with my Silhouette.... I also made some cards
with just plain old stampin'! Now that's something I haven't
done in a loooong time! :o) Without further ado,
 here's one of the cards I made...

My friend who owns the LSS invited me to her
DIL's Baby Shower.... She had her baby
on July 16th... Her DIL wanted to wait til
after the baby was born for the shower... So it was
Saturday... Now I didn't have time to attend it, but I
did have time to create a card and have a gift for her.....
I just dropped it off real quick so I could get back to
cleaning my house! :o)
Card stock, Ribbon - Stampin' Up
Everything Else - Nursery Tail's Imagine Cartridge
The Frog Image was cut @ 3" (2x's)
Then I used the Seperate button and cut just the
Frog out and popped him up! :o)
Stamp is from "My Creative Time"

Well that's all I got for today..... I have a busy
day ahead of me.... Monday's are the busiest for
Donation Drop offs... So it's gonna be a looong day!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!!



  1. Theresa I am so pleased you got time to craft!
    Love this card,you always rock your Imagine.(Even used mine for my DT project later today!..I know ..a huge shock for me too! Lol!).
    Jayne x

  2. Yay you! So happy to hear that you were able to have some craft time! I know you loved every minute of it. This is such a sweet, sweet baby card. Love that green ribbon...very cute!

  3. So happy you finally got a chance to do some creatin' Theresa!! Love that adorable baby card! Have a wonderful week :o)

  4. Whoooooo Hoooooo!!! So glad you got to craft!! And what an awesome card you made! I so love the papers, the sweet frog scene. That ribbon is great. I've got to get this Imagine cartridge. Have an awesome day, even if it is busy!!!! :)

  5. Yea!!! Theresa got to craft. And this is so cute. I love this "I" cart. Cute froggy. I love that ribbon too.

  6. This is precious Theresa! I love all the different layers. You are so wonderful with the imagine machine!


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