Friday, August 31, 2012

Cricut Mag? or Card Mag? idea.....

Hello and Happy Friday everyone! Did ya hear that? It's FRIDAY!!
Oh yeah! it's a lovely 3 day weekend... Or at least I hope so anyway!
Do ya guys have plans? Me? Naaaa.... Unless crafting is considered
a plan? LOL Yup... that's what I'm gonna try to do ALL weekend long...
Let's just see how much of it I actually get to do... I thought..... If I
skip cleaning the house.... I would have more time... Although I'll
probably still do the laundry cuz no one likes dirty clothes... right?
Hummm... or maybe they can do their own laundry which would
give me even more time to craft!!! Ohhh I'm liking this already! LOL

Ok... I'm just kidding... (maybe a little) But I do plan on crafting this
weekend and I do hope to get a bunch of stuff done... :o)
And I hope all of you get to have a fun & exciting weekend as well!
Here's a card I created from one of the Magazines...

I made this card wayyy back in May! Sooo I can't remember
where I've stolen Cas'd the idea from..... I tried looking for it...
but I have soooo many mags that I just kind of gave up...
Either way... this is the card I made from the card I saw
in the magazine... I was making a bunch of "hello" cards
for my MIL back in May and ran out of ideas... Then I saw
this in one of the mags... and thought... Hey I could make that! LOL
Soooo I did! Don't remember much else.... And you see why I need
a 3 day weekend! LOL Well... that's enough chatting for one day!

Thanks so much for stopping by and saying HI!
I love reading all the comments... you guys are the best!
Have a fun and safe weekend! And I'll see ya sometime
next week! :o) In the mean time have an AWESOME DAY!!!!



  1. Really cute card!! I might CASE your CASE!! :)

  2. Such a cute card and I love your idea of how you came up with the idea.

  3. I love it!!!! That patterned butterfly is great! Love it on the polka dot paper. The pearls are just perfect on the scallops. And that 'Hello' is great. Fabulous card!! I hope you have a very crafty weekend!!! And they are big boys, they can do their laundry at least once!!!! :)

  4. Well, this one is really cute. I love the patterned paper you used. Enjoy your weekend. I know you will make good use of every minute.

  5. So pretty! I'm pleased you are going to have time to craft...make them do their own laundry and enjoy yourself!!
    Buy an air freshener for Monday in case they didn't!!lol ;)
    Have a wonderful long weekend.
    Jayne x

  6. This is such a cheery card! I love the combination of patterned papers.
    I hope you are enjoying your restful weekend! We've been doing lots of driving... to take my daughter to uni! Wahhh!!
    Thanks so much for your wonderfully positive and encouraging comments on my blog. They have been a source of inspiration to me, Theresa! I appreciate them more than you realize.

  7. This is really beautiful Theresa! I just love it!


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