Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lots to tell ya!!!

Hello and Happy Sunday Everyone! I'm so sorry that I've been gone awhile....
I've been sooo busy lately
 that I just haven't had time to visit blogs or craft! 
I showed you one of the reasons last week with
the crate I made for a friend of mine.... 
Then I had 3 friends with
birthdays, so I HAD to create something for them...

I've also been learning how to make bread!
I know some of you would say....
Geez Theresa.... It's EASY! Go to the store....
Buy a loaf.... And BAM you've got bread! LOL
But I thought I would try the old fashion way.....
By making it from scratch! I've made several loaves
already, but they really haven't come out the way that I want...
So I'm gonna keep practicing until
I get it just right! Then... maybe I'll post that for ya!

I've been working a lot because my moms on vacation....  
I'm training a couple of friends of mine to help take care 
of my store.... WHY? Well.... My husband & I  are 
getting ready to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary!  We're going on a trip!
We've been planning this for awhile now and it's 
about to happen any day now, so I've just been
 really busy trying to get as much done before we leave.....
I'm soooo super excited and can't wait to go....
And thought I should share my happy news with you.... 
as to why I've been gone so long.... :o) I won't be back until
mid October..... Soooo... I thought I would post something
for you today.... :o)

These are little bags I made for
2 of my friends who had a birthday!
1 is filled with scrapping supplies while the
other is filled with cards! I also baked a cake
for another friend of mine..... Busy, busy, busy!
I used Tags, Bags, Boxes & more for them....
I also used Tim Holtz Rosette Dies.....

  I made this using My Digital Studio &
My Silhouette! 
I designed it first in MDS then I transferred
the files over to the Silhouette and it
printed then cut out the pieces for me!
I thought it turned out to be a great
masculine card! :o)

Well.... that's all I have for today!! I've been thinking
about all my blogging friends lately & how much I miss going to your blogs to see your wonderful creations.... :o)
Once I get back... I'll be able to do that again!
Enjoy the rest of your Afternoon and I'll see
ya in a couple of weeks!



  1. congrats on the anniversary and trip.

    loved the projects sure your did.

    have a great day

  2. How wonderful that y'all are getting to go on a trip for your anniversary!!! Oh yeah, and Happy Anniversary!!! Have an awesome and safe trip!!
    Love the bags. The papers you used are great. And the masculine card is great, too. You always peg them to perfection!!!
    Have safe travels and I just know y'all will have a fantastic trip!!! :)

  3. Girl, I get tired just reading your posts! You are a super busy lady and I'm really excited for you about your upcoming trip...way overdue! I love those sweet git bags stuffed with fun birthday goodies....super cute! Hope you have a wonderful trip and I look forward to hearing all about it!

  4. Hi Theresa! Happy to see some of the great projects you've been creating while being MIA, LOL!

    Happy 20th Anniversary to you and your hubby...and many, many more!!! Have a safe and wonderful trip..look forward to your return!

  5. Happy Anniversary! You made some cute things for tour lucky friends. Have a wonderful trip.

  6. Howdy Theresa! Hope you are enjoying your Anniversary trip as I write this message to you. ;) I've been away myself so am slowly catching up with all my bloggie friends. Love your b-day bags and what an awesome manly card. Looking forward to seeing more creations from you. Hugs, Tami

  7. Hi Theresa,
    Happy Anniversary!!!! Wow, happy for you guys and what a way to celebrate by going on a trip! You deserve it-have fun and take some pictures so you can share them with us. Safe travels!

    Great little treat bags and love the card! Sherrie K

  8. I am right there with you! Life has been so nuts lately, I am not getting anything accomplished. I have so much to do for Christmas and I am really starting to freak out!


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