Monday, May 6, 2013

It's me..... MARIO!!!

Good Morning Everyone! I hope your weekend was great and
that your week is off to an AWESOME start! My weekend
was busy! MY oldest turned 20 on Tuesday last week then my
youngest turn 10 on Saturday. I threw him a sleep over Birthday
Party on Friday night with 8 of his closest friends! I can tell ya
that after the night was over.... I was EXHAUSTED! Boy....
a house full of little boys can wear a person down! LOL
All the boys had a BLAST! and the theme was MARIO!
So they got to play Wii games all night long and I had lots
of sugary goodies for the occasion...
So I thought today I would post the picture of the CUTE
banner I made for his party....

First off.... This is the very first banner I've EVER MADE!
Seriously! I've never made a banner before....

And I did it in 1 hours time! SERIOUSLY! 1 hour is all
it took me to make this!

I looked online for Mario Pictures and saved
them to my computer.... Then I imported them into my Silhouette
I used a couple different banner parts from
different banners I have in my Silhouette Library.....

I used Echo Parks Boy Digi Paper to fill in the
Banner pieces and let my printer and Machine
do all the work! Once it was done I just
put all the pieces together, then strung it up
using Baker's Twine! And BAM!
A CUTE Banner with my sons name on it, with
some of his favorite Characters!

I also created these Rosettes using my Silhouette and the
same images I got from the Internet....

There really wasn't mush around for "Mario" stuff...
At least where I live, and since I work all the time,
I really didn't have a lot of time to plan his party...
Soooo I improvised by using my Silhouette and images off
the Internet to create a simple, yet fun set up for my sons
Birthday party! Hunter LOVED everything I made for him...
Which is really ALL that matters! :o)

Thanks for letting me share my son's birthday
elements with you! Enjoy the rest of the week
and have an AWESOME DAY!!!!



  1. such a fun display you did here. Love that you sued different patterns for each letter. Fun times

  2. My son would go crazy over this. Everything is so colorful! It all looks great....especially love the cake toppers. Super cute! Hope you've recovered from you boy overload. lol. Good to hear you are enjoying that Silhouette. I knew you would. It's a pretty capable piece of cutting genius!


  3. That turned out really cute! I love the cake, and the banner is fun too! We love mario in this house too:)

  4. Well, you sure could have fooled me!! Looks like you've been making banners forever!!! You did an awesome job. Love the cake toppers, too.
    You are a very brave woman to take on 8 extra boys for the night!! :)

  5. It was good to hear from you, Theresa. This party came out so cute. Of course he loved it. Wish you didn't have to work so hard but I'm so glad business is so good for you. See ya soon.

  6. Very cute! Your first banner is a winner!!! I love the ingenuity of how you found what you needed!

  7. Hi Theresa! I found you on the Silhouette blog. Your banner and cake toppers are really cute!

  8. Theresa, I really miss my friend. Hope everything is good with you and your family.
    Have a wonderful mother's day. Hope they are treating you like the queen you are. (I can't find your email)

  9. Theresa, I forgot to tell you, I won a Silhouette Portrait.And believe it or not I am figuring out the program. lol Which also is helping me figure out CCR. I'm using that too. Go figure. I guess an old dog can learn a few new tricks.

  10. What a Mom you are....I love your party decorations and that cake, I so want to dive into it, lol!
    Your banner is AMAZING and seriously..your first one! You totally rocked it:) Great job!
    Get some rest worked hard!
    Happy Mother's Day!
    Sherrie K


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