Thursday, July 11, 2013

Little Ladybug.....

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone!
I thought I would share another Layout I created for my Customer....
This layout is one of my Favorites so far.... I designed it in my Gypsy
and when I went to cut things out.... I had a hard time deciding on
what colors and paper to use.... even though I had it in my head
 what I wanted to do... Isn't it funny when you picture something
and you go to find the paper in your LARGE STASH... It's just not there?
CRAZY! I tell ya... Crazy! :o) Any way.... here's my Layout.....
Card stock - Bo Bunny Double Dot, Stampin' Up, Georgia Pacific
Designer Paper - Echo Park, Stampin' Up, Recollections
Ribbons - Stampin' Up
Border Punch - Martha Stewart
Flowers - Spare Parts
Cricut Cartridges - (Title) Cricut Alphabet
(Ladybugs) Doodlecharms
(Ladybugs in Grass) Kate's ABC's
(Shape for writing) - Art Philosophy
The only part I forgot to do as yet... is add some doodling
I have plans to do that... I just didn't when I took this picture...
I also planned to add some gems or tiny googly eyes...
I haven't decided which yet.... But I do like it for the most part!
After I got it together.... I said YES! This is what I saw in my head!
So, yeah.. this is my favorite Layout! LOL
Thanks for stopping by and taking a looking!
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. Hello my friend:)
    I sure hate when that happens especially when when we have lots of items in our stash huh??? Your layouts are cute. I love how you added all blue on top and how it looks like the cute ladybugs are on the grass! Have a great Thursday!!

  2. Great layout the colors and paper you used came out perfect !! I am now a follower of your blog !!


  3. This is most awesome Theresa!!! I so love all of the ladybugs. And the papers you used are just perfect!!! I can see why it is your favorite! :)

  4. Sweet layout! I love the paper you used. Very cute! I know how you feel when you have a idea in your head and go to look for the paper (in our huge stashes) and can't find the right piece.

  5. So much cuteness going on here! I love all those darling little lady bugs and that paper is so much fun! I know exactly how you feel about the paper situation - makes me so sad when I spend an hour looking through the gazillion sheets of paper I have only to come up with NOTHING that will work for my current project.....sigh.
    But, you really pulled this one through, everything looks cute as a button!

  6. Fabulous, Theresa! You found the perfect paper. I love all the ladybugs. No wonder this is your favorite, It's Perfect!

  7. This is adorable, Theresa!! The papers you found are just perfect - so perhaps it's a good thing you couldn't find what you were looking for. I wonder if you'll find the paper now... That always happens to me!!


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