Monday, July 29, 2013

Record label....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone!  It has been the craziest 2 weeks ever!
I've been working like a mad woman! This weekend was Pioneer Days here in Utah!
And we had tons of people coming to town visiting their families and such...
So work was exhausting but AWESOME! :o)
Any who....
My son Juston is in a band!  And guess what??? I've never
heard them play! EVER! I know that sounds terrible to say....
But I work a lot and most of the time when they play I'm at work
so I never get to see them or hear them... :o(
Well.... Friday was a talent contest for Pioneer Days and they
were to pick the top 3 to play for Saturday's Pioneer Days in the park and
each of the winners receive a cash prize....
Juston's band was picked in the top 3! YAAAY! When he came home
to tell me what happened.. I was sooo excited for him!
He got to play on his Birthday! How cool is that! :o)
And guess what else??? I actually got to see them PLAY! YAY for me!
I had to work Saturday of course... But I asked my mom to
watch the store so I could watch him for just a little bit...
Here are some pictures of them on stage:
Ryan, Gunner, Remi, Juston

My Baby!!! :o)

The boys playing their hearts out!
They were able to play for an hour and play any songs
they wanted! The boys had a blast! I got to watch them
for about a 1/2 hour.... They really sounded amazing!
So glad I got to finally see him play!
Now... with the past 2 weeks being crazy busy
for me... I had to find time to make my son
a Birthday card! I wanted it to represent HIM
and what he is doing now! Soooo
here's what I came up with!
I found the Record and the Bass with Amp
at the Silhouette Store!
I welded the Record together
the Digital Designer Paper is from Echo park
"All about Boy"
Baker's twine to make the plug from the bass to the amp.
And the bow
I wrote "18th Birthday Records" and on the inside
I wrote "I hope your 18th Birthday Rocks like no other"
I used a white gel pen and glossy accents in some spots...
He liked my card a lot.... Which is what I was hoping for!
Anyway.... Thanks so much for stopping by and listening
to me ramble on!


  1. how fun for the band and a perfect card to honor his bday and the occasion.

  2. Happy Birthday to Juston!!!
    How awesome that he is in a band and you got to hear them play!!
    Love the card!! The guitar and amp are fabulous. The dp is just perfect!! :)

  3. Yippy Theresa!! How exciting for your son, Juston and for you to be there to share his excitement! Wahoo! My son is a song writer and has a huge passion for music so I can relate....
    Happy Birthday to your son-what a GREAT day for him! Talented, just like his Mom!
    Have a super evening!
    Sherrie K

  4. What an awesome card! That is great that he is playing music! What a wonderful hobby for him to have.
    Teresa in Oklahoma

  5. WOW - how exciting! I know you must have loved every minute of seeing your son up on that stage - so cool! Congrats to him and his band for placing in the top 3, that's awesome! And speaking of awesome...that birthday card is pretty awesome! The record looks fabulous and I love the guitar. Happy birthday to your Juston!

  6. Fabulous pics of Juston. So glad you got to be proud mama at the park.
    I LOVE this card. You really made this one perfect. Love the cord.
    Happy birthday, Juston.
    Get some rest, Theresa. Love hearing from you.

  7. How exciting for your son. Great pictures... BTW, thanks for your visit to my blog. I appreciated seeing you.

  8. How fantastic is that for him, and how cool does he look with his guitar:) Glad you got to hear him play and what a proud moment for you!! WOW! what a more perfect card and cool him for him, Happy Birthday to him!!! Have a great evening my friend

  9. Theresa,
    What a beautiful birthday card, its perfect!!
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