Monday, January 6, 2014

Good Life.....

Hello and Happy Monday Everyone! Sorry I've been MIA.... But I
wanted to get my cards done before I headed back to work today!
MAN! I don't want to go back.... but I know I gotta! :o) Any way...
I was able to finish my MIL's cards and made 2 Valentine's Cards
as well! I've really enjoyed my time off and lounging around in my
PJ's for almost 2 weeks.... I ate a lot and I don't think my pants are
gonna fit me today! :o) But that's OK, it was ALL worth it! :o)
I thought I would show ya one of the cards I made my MIL....
I took them to her on Thursday, and she was very pleased!
Card stock - SU & Bazzill
Digital Designer Paper & Embellishments - Fancy Pants (Good Life)
Hello Frame, Banners - Silhouette Store
Glitter - Stickles
Doily - Wilton
Gems - Bazzill
My MIL wanted some Hello, Thinking of You, & Thanks
so that's what all the cards are... Anyway... I think I'm gonna
be worn out by the end of the day... so I wish you all


  1. Well hello there dear friend:) I hope you have recovered from your New Years partying LOL!! just kidding:) :) Your MIL will love this lovely card with all the beautiful detail. Love that doily on the corner. Enjoy your evening.

  2. Oh this is so very pretty Theresa!! Love the piece of doily and the great colors.
    Glad you had a great time off work. Never is long enough when you have to go back!!!! :)

  3. Beautiful card Theresa! The banners and doily are so fun! The papers are fantastic-love the colors!
    Having time off work always seems to go fast, ha?
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
    Happy New Year my friend!
    Sherrie K

  4. How pretty, Theresa. Love the wonderful papers and all the details. Hope you first day back wasn't too hectic.

  5. Very pretty card, Theresa! I love all the details!
    Have a great day.

  6. I laughed when I read your post. We were talking at work after the holidays and a few of my colleagues mentioned how they love hanging out in their PJs all day. That is something that I just cannot do! I'm glad you could just hang out and relax. :)

    What a pretty card! I love the layering and mix of papers too!

  7. Love the layout and how you cut the doily for the corner....great card!


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