Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Winner.... Winner.... Chicken Dinner!

Hello and Happy Wednesday Everyone! I was busy at work today
so I didn't have time to post the winner this morning 
of my Birthday Giveaway! But now....
I went to and the number was #8 which was:
YAY! Congrats Tanya!!! Send me an e-mail with
your address so I can get this sent off to you!!!
THANKS so much for your Birthday Wishes...
I had an interesting Birthday....
The same weekend of my Birthday we had
to move one of my boys to Arizona....
Soooo.... I ended up cooking my Birthday dinner...
Which I did ahead of time.... thinking they'll
put it in the oven and all would be good.... RIGHT?
 NOPE! My kids were loading up our
trailer with my sons things... after I cooked
my dinner.... They had to go back out and pack
up the trailer some more since we were leaving
at 5am the next morning.... And I needed to be back
that same day because I still have a 10yr. old at
home who wanted to have Easter! :o)
It was one of those weekends you just chalk up
to... Oh Well... Maybe next year type of things! HA!
Anyway.... Have a great evening....
I've got some pictures to take of some of
my projects and I should have something
posted by tomorrow....
Congrats again Tanya! :o)


  1. way...I don't win things! YAY me - so exciting! Surely there isn't another Tanya/Nonna out there in bloggy land!

    Hope the move for your son went well - sounds like it was a busy, exhausting weekend. Yep...maybe next year ;) Look forward to seeing your upcoming projects - off to send you my addy - thanks so much!

  2. Congrats Tanya!!!! Wahoo:)

    Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Sorry you didn't get to celebrate much...hopefully, you get an extra special one next yr!
    Hugs and again Happy Belated Birthday!
    Sherrie K

  3. Yay, Tanya.
    Theresa, I think you could use a nap! lol


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