Friday, June 13, 2014

My Hero......

Hello and Happy Friday Everyone! I know... I know...
I've been gone yet again! All I can tell ya is SUMMER!!!
Hahahaha.... Just a busy time... & Life! LOL
I wanted to "POP" in and say HELLO!!! And just
take a few minutes for myself and share another card
with ya! :o) I hope you don't mind...
This card is rather simple.... I just wanted to make a
military card as a "SHOUT OUT" to ALL the
Daddy's, Pop's, Grandpa's, Uncles, Brothers, who
are ALL Dad's & in the Military...
This is not something I would
normally make.... so I thought? Why Not?
The Military paper is Digital.... I found it on Etsy
thru a couple of places.... can't remember off the
top of my head... (sorry bout' that) :o)
Everything was designed and cut with my
Cameo of course.... :o) and I did some inking
to give it a dirty/rustic sort of kind of look! :o)
I added the "My Hero" to the die cut then
used the print & Cut Feature...
Any who.... it's what I made... so there ya go! LOL
Thanks for stopping by... I hope you
 ALL have a wonderful FATHER'S DAY WEEKEND!!!


  1. Yay - happy to see that you had a few minutes of "me time"! I love this fun card - the dog tags are awesome! And, the camouflage paper is just perfect.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend my sweet friend ♥

  2. This is such a lovely card, Theresa! In thought and design. :o) The paper is perfect and the dog tags are fabulous. The corner detailing is lovely in its beautiful array of patterns! I'm so happy you had time to pop in. Have a blessed and sparkly weekend! :o)

    Hugs and blessings,

  3. Such a great combination of papers! Love those tags too!

    Glad you're enjoying your summer. Mine starts officially in 50 minutes and I AM counting!!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. WOW! love the paper and the tags with the theme, totally awesome! I hope you are feeling much better and have been drooling over the new catalog haha!! I've been carrying mine everywhere and have a huge list going on, pretty dangerous!! Well my friend thank you for stopping by and glad you got the catalog! Enjoy your weekend with you hubby and kids:)

  5. This is a fabulous card, Theresa. Every service dad would love it. I love every detail. Paper is perfect and I'm crazy about the dog tags.
    So glad you're feeling better. Hope your weekend is fantastic!

  6. Fabulous card Theresa!!! Love that bg paper. It really makes the card. Love the dog tags, too. Have a wonderful weekend!! :)

  7. what a wonderful Father's Day card love the design
    hugs Kate x
    oh and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog :)

  8. What a fabulous card!!! Love it!!


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