Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Print N Cut Get Well...

Hello and Happy Tuesday Everyone! So Sorry I've Been MIA
Again! Work has been crazy and my home life has been too!
So much going on and no time for anything really! :o)
So, before I get back to some other things that I'm
trying to do I thought I would post another card for ya.
Now... I've had nooooo time for crafting....
So this is another card I made awhile ago
that I thought I would share today! :O)
This is another card I had made for my MIL
awhile ago.... She just asked me again if
I could make her 36 cards! UGH!
For some reason.... I can't say NO to her! :O)
She's not in a hurry for the cards so at
least I'll have time to make them! :O)
Well... That's all I really have time for!
Thanks so much for stopping in to
see me! I really appreciate it! :O)
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. How pretty!!! I so love these flowers and the colors are fabulous! Goes perfect with the bg paper. :)

  2. This is so beautiful, Theresa! The bright colors and designs are just gorgeous! I love how much your MIL enjoys your cards... she's a smart cookie! This is sure to make the future recipient feel 100% sparklier. :o) Lovely work!

    Hugs and blessings,

  3. So pretty, Theresa. Wow your MIL sends a lot of cards! haha At least you don't have a deadline. This card is so cheerful. Love the colors.
    I hope you get some down time soon. Take care of yourself, My friend.

  4. Beautiful card and I recognize that SU flower:) I love how well the background goes with the colorful flowers. TFS

  5. What a gorgeous card!! Love the pretty flowers!! Have a great day.


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