Monday, December 22, 2014

Gift cards away.....

Hello & Happy Monday Everyone! Are you ready?
You know what I'm talking about... Are you ready for
Christmas? Do you have everything done? Even those
last minute gifts? All the baking done? Hmmm
Hunter & I managed to get a ton of cookies made..
So many cookies that I don't think we can eat them all!
But it was fun baking with him.... He got tired toward the
end of it... He stuck it out & was happy we baked
them together... Then I tried to make my Grandma's
fudge... you know the good old fashion kind that takes
a lot of sugar & a lot of time stirring... Yup that's the kind!
But since we moved & the elevation is much lower....
it didn't come out... and since I'm a crazy person
as most of you know! LOL I will try again today!
I have almost everything wrapped too! I'm waiting for
just a couple more gifts for one of my boys and
then I'm done!
But I am super excited today.... cuz one of my BFF's
is coming for a visit! She & I are having lunch together
and I'm soooo excited to see her... I miss her & my
other friends, so it'll be a great day no matter what! HA
Okay.... I'll stop rambling on so I can share a last minute
gift idea for that person who has everything...
I'm using this adorable file from:
It's called: Christmas Dragons
and it's still on SALE for $1
But you need to hurry, cuz this Sale
is ending very soon!
Here's what I made....
You know Gift Cards are the best gift for
last minute gift giving or for that someone
who has everything!

I made this card rather simple... Cuz I was in a hurry...
that happens... right? :)
Card Stock & Designer Paper - Stampin' Up
Tag - Silhouette Store
 (You know I HAD to put bells on this card) - Oriental Trading
Holiday Twine
Christmas Dragon - Kadoodle Bug Designs
Thanks so much for stopping by...
I hope you have an AWESOME DAY!!!


  1. Christmas dragons, love them. Everyone needs a Christmas dragon. Yours is adorable. Such a cute gift card holder. My mom always had trouble with her fudge coming out right. Finally she just gave up trying to make it set up. She would make it to the soft ball stage, pour into a buttered dish and let it cool. It became "spoon fudge". Everyone grabbed a spoon and scooped it up. So good. The whole family has adopted this fudge.
    Enjoy your lunch and visit today,
    Don't stress about the fudge, just grab a spoon.

  2. Aaaw, this is SO cute! I love the adorable dragon!! Awesome design~Great little holder Theresa!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Sherrie K

  3. What a darling dragon!!! Love your gift card holder!! :)

  4. This dragon is super sweet!!! Love this!! Have a great day.

  5. Theresa, your gift card holder is adorable! Such a unique and fun cut file... it is a delight and will be loved by the recipient! I LOVE the abundance of jingly bells! Hehe! Lovely work as always, my friend! And I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your baking adventure, despite the mishap. I hope you conquered it the next time. :o)

    Hugs and blessings,

  6. OMG! way too cute and a fabulous way to give gift cards!!


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