Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dec. 25th Stars......

Hello & Happy Wednesday Everyone!
How's your week going so far??

Sorry I've been MIA the last few days...
I sprained my right wrist at work on Friday
& I'm having a heck of a time trying to use it.

It's not broken - it was sore to begin with - which
started Mid Dec. but while working on Friday
I went to lift something kind of heavy and I heard 
a POP then pain followed suit! - 
I worked through the pain of course
but realized when I was trying to type up my blog post for
Saturday... It hurt too much to type - My son was kind enough
to type out my blog post for me... and he's helping me right now --

So, If I haven't stopped by your blog, I'm sorry.. leaving comments
isn't so easy for me right now.... I'm trying to be good about
not getting on the computer to much so I can rest my wrist....

Hopefully that'll help... only time will tell... 

-- As I continue my 1 holiday card a week
I thought I would share this one with you --

I went a little Wink of Stella Crazy yet again! LOL
I added it to the stars & the Dec. 25th 😁

-- Craft Supplies Used --

Cardstock - Stampin' Up, American Crafts, Bazzill
Designer Paper - Simple Stories (Claus & Co. Collection)
Stitched Star Dies - Little B
Stitched Card Mat Die - My Favorite Things
Small Stitched Card Mat Die - Craftin Desert Divas
Silver Moon dust Nuvo Drops
Silhouette Machine, Big Shot

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hoping to catch up with all of you real soon!



  1. Sorry to hear about your wrist. Hope it gets better soon. Love your card

  2. Oh gosh, Theresa, I'm so sorry about your wrist. I'm glad you are resting it so it can heal. I hope it feels much better soon.

    Your card is so gorgeous!! I love the papers and design!! The sparkly stars are fabulous!! You are so inspirational making Christmas cards so early!! I so need to do the same thing!! Sending lots of comforting hugs, my friend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. So sorry to hear about your wrist.Get lots of rest and I hope you feel better.
    I love your Christmas card.Beautiful!!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting with Creative M

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist!! Hope it gets better really soon!!!
    I'm so loving your card!!! The papers, colors and of course that sparkly Wink of Stella is most wonderful!!!!

  5. Hi Theresa, so sorry to hear your struggling with pain in your wrist...hope you are on the mend soon, rest up! Your card is Beautiful, love all the sparkle!

  6. I guess you were seeing stars when you hurt your wrist. It's the worst when you actually hear something happening. I hope your wrist heals soon so you can get back to crafting.

    In my Microsoft Word program under the Edit menu, the last choice is "start dictation." It's a little voice to text program that will type what you say. Give it a try. That may help you while your wrist is healing. Worth a shot! Then your son will only have to clean it up and copy/paste into your blog.


  7. So sorry to hear that you hurt your wrist! Please take it easy and get some rest! Gorgeous card, I love all of the sparkly-ness to it!

  8. OOO Sorry to hear about your wrist Theresa!!! I hope you are feeling better soon but take your time to rest!!! Your card is gorgeous!! Love it!! Have a great day.

  9. Oh Theresa, I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist! :( I'm sending gentle, healing hugs your way! Your card is gorgeous as always, filled with the sweet sparkle of the Christmas season! The stars are SO pretty and I love the combination of musical score paper with candy cane stripes. :) Lovely work, my dear friend.

    Hugs and blessings,

  10. Sorry to hear about your wrist. Probably the time you see this you will already be healed. Great job on the card.

  11. Love it! You are going to have all of your Christmas cards finished before Easter!

  12. This is an awesome Christmas card! I am so sorry about your wrist. I cracked my right wrist 11 years ago and then re-injured it 2 years ago. I know the struggles of not being able to use your dominant hand! I hope with rest it continues to heal and feel better.

  13. So sorry to hear you hurt your wrist! We don't realize how much we use those areas until we injur something. I hope it heals quickly. Your card is lovely- and how sweet your son is helping you!

  14. I'm glad your wrist injury isn't more serious (although anything that interferes with crafting really could be considered quite serious in nature). Glad you're doing better though!

    Your card is gorgeous! I love the softer colours and the wonderful sparkles!


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