Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Dollar Store Wreath??

Hello & Happy Tuesday Everyone!
I have a super quick post today!
A couple of weeks ago, I watched a video
on FB from the HomeTalk Page -
And someone was showing how to make a 
Halloween Wreath really easily using some
 items from the local Dollar Tree -

Well... you all know I love home decor projects
and this seemed right up my alley!
Mine is very plain, but I actually like it
like that - They showed how you could
add one of those $1 signs as well.... but the
colors are so Bright & Festive that I just stuck with
the basics on this one -  😃

I LOVE the colors!!!! So, this wreath cost me a whole $6 and
only 30 minutes to put together! I actually have plans to make
a Christmas one as well.... I have all the items for it...
I plan to make it a little more Fuller than this one too --
I will show you what it looks like when I get it done --

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. The colors are gorgeous in your wreath! And seriously, $6.00??? Your wreath is amazing!

  2. I saw this tutorial as well and love how yours turned out!!!
    Looking forward to seeing your Christmas one.
    I love your Dollar Tree, everything is actually one dollar...our dollar stores very rarely have dollar items, more like 3.00 or 4.00 or even higher

  3. Awesome job my friend. That is booootiful! Hope you are having a good week.


  4. Love the bright Halloween colors and the black really makes them stand out!


  5. Gorgeous wreath! The texture looks amazing and so perfect for Halloween! I can't believe how quickly you created this!

  6. Your wreath is wonderful! Totally perfect for Halloween. I haven't ever made a deco mesh wreath. I have tons of floral supplies and since I don't make those things much anymore, I try to refrain from buying supplies in that department ;) I think I have too many crafting loves LOL!

  7. Love this! Love the colors! Can't wait to see the Christmas one!

  8. So awesome!! I love the colours and your creativity!


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