Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I need some help!!

Happy Tuesday Crafty friends!
This post is a simple one -

I've been trying for 3 days now to leave comments
on your blog posts - but for some really strange reason, I can't!

I don't know why or how to fix this -
It shows me logged into google - I can
make a New blog post -

But when I go to my reading list (which I always have)
and click on any of your blogs - it let's
me read your post but then when I want
to leave you a comment -

It shows "Select Profile" so of course
I select Google since I have an account - then
it flips the screen and then shows NO Comment!!
And I'm like WHAT? I just left one -

Also, when I go to my Blog page
Theresa's Crafty Creations -
in the corner, it has the Sign In at the top
so when I click on it - it does NOT have me sign in... 
it just takes me to my Blogger/Post page -
you know, where we can write our blog posts -

That's it... So I don't know what to do...
I'm getting really frustrated - especially
since I've been trying to leave comments
and it won't let me AND I'm not a
computer savvy person --

So, if anyone can help me figure this mess 
about PLEASE send me an email -

I've already cleared my cache & logging history
and anything else I could think of...

Just know, I've tried to leave you comments
but I can't!!! UGH!!



  1. Ugh. How frustrating! I was going to suggest what you already did. Did you try logging in from a different web browser like Safari instead of Google (or whatever you use)? Best of luck getting this figured out!!

  2. Hi Theresa,
    Have you tried signing out of Google then rebooting your computer, then logging back into Google?

    I have done these steps before to fix issues with Google and Blogger.

    1.Blogger Dashboard in the top right corner click profile picture. Then chose Sign Out.
    2. Reboot your computer
    3. Blogger Dashboard. Sign in,

    Maybe rebooting while signed out will help the issue. Hope this works for you. If not maybe someone will have a fix.

    Hugs Nana

  3. Theresa, have you tried using another browser to see if you can leave a comment? It could be an issue with the browser.

    This would help narrow down where the problem is.


  4. Oh gosh, I was going to say to clear out your cache and history, but you've already done that. I hope one of the above fixes helps you. I have trouble with blogger all the time. For a long time, I couldn't follow blogs. And I don't get emails of everyone who leaves a comment. It's frustrating. Also, after leaving a few comments, I have to click the robot button or it won't post and then after a few more, I have to do the stupid captcha puzzle that drives me nuts. I hope you are able to get it fixed...sending sympathetic hugs, my friend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Oh shoot, I don't have any new suggestions other than what everyone has already suggested. I know I had trouble with Safari for a long time and had to use Google Chrome for Blogger but now Safari works fine for me. I hope you get this issue resolved quickly!

  6. I have no idea...but read the suggestions above, just in case this ever happens to me.
    I have never cleared my cache or logging history...I don't even know how I would do that, lol.
    Hope you get it cleared up soon :)

  7. So sorry you are having problems! I am glad we were able to chat another way until the problem is resolved.

  8. Hope everything is working well now with blogger......I've had all the same issues in the past, sorry have no idea how I can help!

  9. I wish I knew the answer, but I stink at anything techie! I hope you have resolved the problem by now. I have such a love/hate relationship with my computer :(


I can no longer accept comments from Anonymous users... Sorry - too much SPAM going on -