Wednesday, November 8, 2017

We have a Winner & a New Surprise!!!!

Hello & Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Thank you to everyone who left me
a comment on last Wednesday's Holiday post!
You guys are AWESOME!! As I'm sure you already know!!

So I'm gonna get right to it and tell ya who
the winner is -----



You won my "extra" MFT Die Set! YAY!!
Please send me your address to the email
I have on my blog just under my Picture so I can
get that right out to you!!!

And now onto another "OOPS" giveaway!
As I stated in last weeks post - I apparently made
a couple of Boo Boo's when placing some orders
not realizing I already HAD the item! GRRR!

But my "OOPS" is a gift to one of my lucky &
special followers! 
So this is my giveaway this week

Now, My Craft Spot is no longer in business
but this stamp set is PERFECT for this time of
year - It's called (Christmas Chalkboard)
and I already have this set - so this is a brand new one
for someone else to enjoy! YAY

I know some of my followers probably
already have this set - so I totally get it
if you decide you don't want it, but it would also
make a great gift for a Crafty friend too!!!
Just a thought! (Wink Wink)

So, it's simple - You NEED to be a follower
of mine & you just need to leave a comment
on this post! Super Easy am I right? 

I'll close this on Tuesday, November 14th at 10pm MT. time
and announce the winner of this set on Wednesday, Nov. 15th
where I'll probably have something else to giveaway! WHATTT??

Have a Wonderfully Crafty Day!!!



  1. I've enjoyed following your posts for a long time. You've motivated me to work on my Christmas cards early this year! Thanks.

  2. Woohoo congrats to Sukie! Please don't enter me in the drawing for your stamp set because I have (and love) it!

  3. That's an awesome stamp set. Thanks for the chance to win.


  4. Eeek, so excited to be the winner of the die set! I really appreciate it! Those stamps are adorable too (please don't enter me in the drawing since I just won). Thank you again!

  5. Congrats Sukie!! A wonderful stamp set!!Love it!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  6. How sweet of you to offer
    this giveaway! I need a
    new Christmas set for my
    cards this year, it would
    be awesome to win.
    Carla from Utah

  7. Congrats to Sukie!! You are so sweet to keep offering giveaways, my friend!! Don't enter me because I have this awesome set!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Congrats Sukie! Super nice of you to have another generous giveaway..someone will love this set! Please do not enter me in the giveaway as I have this fun set already.
    Have a wonderful evening,
    Sherrie K

  9. Oh, I love these chalkboard sentiments and am following you on Bloglovin'. Thank you so much for using your oopsie to make another stamper's day!! Congrats to Sukie on her win!

  10. Hi, Theresa,
    I'm trying so hard to get back to consistently crafting. Two knee replacements have really messed up my momentum. You have been my inspiration. Seeing all your "pretties" are a real incentive. Thanks for the "push". Stephanie

  11. Thank you for your inspiration and generosit.

  12. Love following your posts. They are always informative and super fun. I would love to be entered for a chance at the stamp set. It looks like a really great one.

  13. I think everyone loves a give away! So sweet of you to share. I am still sad that My Craft Spot closed up - loved their stamps. Still working on my Thanksgiving cards, but would love to win this set to have when I begin on my Christmas cards. Thanks again for the opportunity to win and looking forward to more of your lovely inspirations! Gina

  14. Conrats Sukie. Theresa you are so kind and generous. As you know Theresa I'm not a stamper and sold all my stamps so please exclude me from this giveaway. I know someone will win that will make very good use of this beautiful set.

  15. I've been following you for about a year and enjoy seeing what you create. This is a darling set; love the sentiments and fonts; thanks for offering to send it to one of your followers.

  16. CONGRATS to Sukie!! What an adorable stamp set....How very generous of you so thanks so much for the chance I so love it!! Wishing you a Tremendously Terrific Thursday!! YOU so ROCK!!

  17. Congrats Sukie!! Love this stamp set and I could put it to great use!! Thanks Theresa

  18. I love chalkboard sentiment stamps and winning this would be so fun! Thank you for the chance and congratulations to Sukie!! I'm a new follower and can't wait to check out the rest of your blog.

  19. Awesome stamp set for this time of year, thanks for the chance. I need the inspiration as I am already slowing down with my crafts and getting behind. Congrats Sukie, and have fun your win. Thanks Theresa.

  20. Awesome Sauce. Congrats Sukie. Fingers Crossed, I win. Happy to be slowly getting back.

  21. Perfect timing for me to get back into the swing of things. I so miss ALL my crafty friends and their projects. I really could use a pick me up to help start the holiday card season. You are the best! So kind and considerate. Thanks and congrats to Sukie!


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