Monday, May 14, 2018

The Future Starts here...

Hello and Happy Monday Crafty Friends!
How was your Mother's Day Weekend???
Mine was really nice and quite just like I like it! LOL
Hubby took me out for lunch on Saturday to avoid
the crazy crowds on Sunday and I made a bunch more
Graduation cards... 

Have any of you felt like you made too many cards
at once and then didn't know what to make afterward?
That was/is me right now... UGH! I spent one weekend
making a bunch of Design Team cards, then 
the following weekend I made a bunch of Graduation cards, 
then again the next weekend making more graduation cards!
I ended up at one point CASING myself again... cause I 
didn't know what to do... Sometimes it just flows... 
and sometimes I get drained and come up with nothing...

I'm just glad I got the graduation cards done...
I'm NOT making any more this year unless I
absolutely have too! Ya know what I mean? (Wink Wink)

Well... We got about 1 1/2 weeks left of school
over here... This week is a Full week and next week
is a short week with short hours... Today's the
School's Annual Carnival so I'll be going to work
late tonight! Not my favorite thing to do... But
someone has to clean up the big mess they
leave behind! hahaha 
My son said he'd come with me tonight to
help clean up around the school... He's
such a good kid... Sometimes I just can't
believe he's my son! LOL

Anyway... enough of my silly rambling...
Here's a Graduation card that I made
for some of the Teachers at school - They're the
ones who requested I make the graduation cards
for them and I'm happy to do it --

I used the Simple Stories Rad Grad Collection -
Cardstock is Recollections 110lb Black, Bazzill, DCWV Shimmer Gold
I used my Sheer Shimmer Sparkle Spray on the Stars & Diploma
Assorted Rectangle Stitched dies are from My Creative Time

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. For some reason, I struggle a lot with graduation cards too! I needed 6 this year and most were the same style. I think it is great that teachers ask you to make cards for them. They love the cards that you make!! Great graduation card, and I can't wait to see the others.

  2. This graduation card is gorgeous!! Love the pretty papers and Fabulous design. Have a great day,

  3. Gorgeous card! I love everything about it! Those colors and papers are so elegant and the sentiment is so perfect! Have a great day!

  4. What a perfect graduation card!! I love the star paper and the design!! It's so gorgeous, my friend!! I always have a hard time with graduation/school themed cards...don't know why!! Love this!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Pretty graduation card!! I didn’t need any graduation cards this year
    Have a great day!

  6. Great card!!
    So sweet of your son to help you out...I wonder how lucky I got with my daughters as well, lol
    I get like this when I do a big project like a mini album.

  7. Wow, that is beautiful and I love the sentiment. Hope you had a good Mother's Day and fun at your carnival tonight. Have a good week.


  8. I love the gold and black - I think that's perfect for graduation, and I love the sentiment. The future really does start here!

    You should take up knitting . . . :)


  9. Love this! So much fun and so pretty/handsome... you could really give this to anyone... awesome! Here's to the end of your funk! Hope you feel better soon!

  10. I’m glad you had a nice mother’s day! And I hope things weren’t too messy after the carnival! Your card looks amazing!!


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